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Showing posts with label visit the link daily. Show all posts

Thursday, August 19, 2021



You can always catch more flies with honey.

Try some kinds words and a  friendly smile every once in while.

 Kindness will  help mellow some one with a bitter disposition.

Sometimes the best way to deal with them is to just smile and listen.

It may be tempting to entertain and engage in their rage but try a some kindness.

Try some kindness the next time someone tries to take wind out of your sails.

Try some kindness when all other options have failed.

It may not be effective all time.

In some situations it may not work.

Kindness may not help every single thing but it definitely never hurts.

Try to be kind.

hallziespoerycorner: Poetry with a passion.
Poetry for all occasions ™
HLH© 8/19/21

Friday, July 16, 2021

Just remember.

 Just close your eyes and capture this moment in this instance of time.

Do you feel how calm and serene it is right now?

It feels nice doesn't it?

Enjoy this feeling because it won't last long.

A storm is brewing and the minstrels are composing new songs.

The winds of destiny are blowing and it does not  bode well for those that have chosen to forget or worse yet those who are not the least bit concerned with the ongoing plight of the oppressed.

The seeds of revolt are germinating.

There will be another civil unrest.

When it happens again get to higher ground and do not act surprised.

Just reflect, receive, and above all remember.

Remember all the  times that the gavel banged for false injustice.

Remember all the falsely accused.

Remember all the trumped up charges.

Remember every man, woman and child that ever got strung up by a noose and hung from a tree.

Remember how the word picnic came to be.

Remember every piece of land ever stolen from us.

Remember every lie ever told to us about us.

Remember slavery.

Remember Tuskegee.

Remember Jim crow.

Remember cointelpro.

Remember redlining.

Remember chem trails.

Remember Flint.

Remember Tulsa Oklahoma.

Remember Merger.

Remember Fred.

Remember Bobby.

Remember Malcolm.

Remember Martin.

Remember Emit.

Remember Mike

Remember Tamir.

Remember Freddie.

Remember Sean.

Remember Eric.

Remember Philando.

Remember Sandra.

Remember Rhogena.

Remember India.

Remember every dereliction of duty.

Remember every loan, bail, and opportunity denied.

Remember every tear shed from a black parent as they were told their child died.

Remember all these injustices as the tension slowly mount.

Remember how you benefited from it or stood ideally by as it was happening right in front of you.

Remember how each soul felt before the first blow was delt.

Remember all the shrieks of pain from the past.

Remember all those things as you gaze upon the rumble and the ash.

Remember how we groveled

Remember how we begged.

Remember how we pleaded.

Remember how we confided in you and the way we vented.

Remember if you would have only done "something" this could have all been prevented.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™️

HLH©️ 7/16/21

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Much needed change

I can't always welcome you with opens arms.

I can't always smile at you when your staring at me directly in my face.

I know how badly I need you yet sometimes, I honestly can't stand you.

It's not you.

It's me.

You force me to look at things I do not want to see.

You challenge me to let go of the  things that are hindering me  and weighing me down.

Your like a vegetable to me.

You don't taste very good but your oh so vital for my nourishment and growth.

Your a constant reminder to me of  everything that I am meant to be.

Thank you for helping me become a better version of me.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™️

HLH©️ 2/25/21

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Awakening in progress

It's happening.

There is a noticeable shift.

The atmosphere is changing

The people are revolting and taking a stand.

We're unifying and refusing to conform to th norm.

We're no longer taking anything at face value.

We're fact-checking the fact-checkers.

We're standing together in solidarity and demanding recompense.

The soil has been stern.

The blinders are being  removed.

The shackles and the yokes be being broken.

The elders and the ancestors have spoken.

 It is time to arise from the ashes and reclaim our birth rights.

No partial payments will be accepted.

The toll will be taken in full.

The fair will be exact.

We are coming out of our slumber and stepping into our own.

We're taking our light  back.

Never again will we tolorate the slaying or settle for less.

The earth is rumbling.

The skies are clearing.

The foundation is cracking.

The season for change is finally upon us.

If  your timid you might be want to hide until everything settles down and fully resets.

You are now experiencing what it feels like when an awakening is in full progress.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™
HLH 2/18/21©

True path

 Sometimes the paths life takes us down does not always occur by choice but rather by fate.

We can not control what lies in wait on the other side of this door.

Sometimes it feels like we've been thrust into an internal  struggle for all out war.

No opposing side is willing to stand down and then we somehow get caught in the cross fire. 

Each side tugging way at us. It begins to feel as if we're being ripped apart in different directions by each section of the opposing sides.

We can't escape it.
We can not hide.
All we can do is deal with it and adapt to it.

Any obstacles we encounter  along the path will only be a detourant to us if we give spend all our time thinking of it.

We all have the ability inside of us to rise above it.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions™
HLH 2/18/21©


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Lead off with love

Karma is like a boomerang. 

What ever message you put out comes right back to you.

You should always put out the best version of you.

Think about how you would want someone to speak to you and treat you.

Don't be so quick to anger nor hastily correct.

Listen for the unspoken truth and wait patiently for the unseen intent in a situation.

You'll receive a better experience and have more time well spent. 

Leave footprints of love and not bitterness's foul stench.

Let your presence resonate. Let them feel you before they actually see you.

You don't have to be perfect just be the best you.

Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions ™️

HLH 2/11/21©️



The world is yours you just have to claim it.


You can have whatever  you desire in this world. 


You just have to name it. 
Of course, discpline, focus,execution, and ingenuity is an absolute must.    You  have to faith and give the process every ounce of your trust.

However that's not all you have to do. You have to banish that doubt lurking inside of you.

      You have change your thoughts and speech pattern. 

Get rid of can't.

Banish what if.

Hope is a must but never say it out loud.

Words are powerful.

Pay attention to what you say.

Select them wisely.

Choose them well.

They will ultimately decide if you succed or if you fail.

Break your negative thought and speech pattern.

Break your bad habits by casting your own spell.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™️

HLH 2/11/21©️ 

Disclaimer: I'm not endorsing with craft. Don't be stupid in the comments. It's art and put in perfect context.