Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Much needed change

I can't always welcome you with opens arms.

I can't always smile at you when your staring at me directly in my face.

I know how badly I need you yet sometimes, I honestly can't stand you.

It's not you.

It's me.

You force me to look at things I do not want to see.

You challenge me to let go of the  things that are hindering me  and weighing me down.

Your like a vegetable to me.

You don't taste very good but your oh so vital for my nourishment and growth.

Your a constant reminder to me of  everything that I am meant to be.

Thank you for helping me become a better version of me.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™️

HLH©️ 2/25/21

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Silent response

 If your waiting with bated breath for an answer then stop waiting and start accepting.

Sometimes silence is your answer.

If you request something and get no response...then the deafining  silence is your answer.

If much time passes and they do not check in then they've moved on and checked in else where.

That space you once shared is now an  empty  void.

All  the things you once shared are now just faded memories from different spaces.

Once a dependable face is now just a blurry image in the dark.

You once were in sync now you can't get a read on them.

You went from daily communication to being phased completely out.

Sometimes when they say nothing they've said everything.

The circumstances have changed.

Thought processes have evolved.

Neither one of you are the same person you once were.

It's evident that their not looking back.

They started out their journey with you and now their headed in different direction on a different path.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™️

HLH 10/05/20©️

Sunday, December 7, 2014

My hands are up.

What’s a black life worth?

Do we qualify as human beings?

Are we lower than dirt?

Mr. officer what’s going through your head when you look in my eyes?

What it is it about me that  you despise?
My music isn’t loud.
My pants are above my waste.
I have a job.

When did it become your personal mission to make me fit the description?
I’m minding my own.
Mr. officer  why are you harassing me?
Please leave me alone.
Are you having a bad day?
Did you have trouble at home?
Is you’re your supervisor giving you hell?
Let me pass.
Let me be.
Why Mr. officer are you harassing me?
Why are you trying to harm me?
If you shoot me what will the story be?
He’s being aggressive.
He had a gun.
You saw the gun right?
Yeah right.
I just know my fresh spilled blood will make your night.
No need to draw your weapon.
I surrender.
I’m obeying your commands.
See I’m on the ground.
I surrender I give up.
Don’t shoot.
Look my hands are up. 

Rip James Garner,  Rip Mike Brown, Rip Tamir Rice, Rip Kimani Gray, Rip Nicholas Heyward Jr, Rip Ezel Ford,Rip Oscar Grant, Rip Tim Sandsburry, Rip John Crawford, Rip Ramorley Gram,Rip Trayvon Martin and all other unarmed black men killed by Law enforcement  in the US.
It is there sworn duty to serve and protect not to destroy and reject.

The poetry corner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions
HLH © 12/07/14

Monday, November 1, 2010

Autum prelude

Now Hear the rustling leaves.

Feel the cool autumn breeze.

Listen closely and you'll hear the wind whisper a tale.

Night sets in and it chimes it's bell.

Nature awaits in readiness as it prepares to sip from life's harvest well.

The elixir will be potent yet relaxing.

Soothing the body from ware and easing the mind from taxing thoughts.

Accepting all that and remembering yet releasing all that has been lost.

Down the frothy brew.

Let it trickle slowly down your pallet.

Savor every sweet and bitter sip.

Let it flush your cheeks and tingle your lips.

Now tilt your goblet and raise your neck to gaze at the dusk drenched sky.

Give thanks to for this blessing.

Kneel and be humble.

Aspire to be great.

Embrace all the seasons miracles.. both great and small

Turn your inhibitions like the color on leaves.

Bare witness to fall.

copyright 11/1/10 HLH