I’m looking at you.
No! Dead at you.
More things than your shapely dimensions have my attention.
I see past your thighs and straight into your eyes.
I’m noticing the reflection of your inner self shimmering off your soul.
Your voice is enchanting. The very fiber of your being is built for romancing.
Your poise. your grace. Everything about you is nothing short of good taste.
Share with me what’s on your mind.
I want to know what thoughts you have about anything.
You've cast your spell.
What unlocks your deepest desire? What ignites your fire?
Who are you? Tell me everything from start to finish.
I won’t interrupt. Speak until you are finished.
Fill my cup with your essence so that I may bask in your splendor.
I’ve fought this battle long enough. I completely surrender.
The day like my heart belongs to you. I’m in total aww.
And yes. I’m still looking at you.
Hallzies poetry corner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.tm copyright 9/26/12