Thursday, October 29, 2020


 He went to the same academy you went to.

He received the exact same training you did.

He pledged the same oath you did.

He swore to serve and protect just you you did.

He promised to have  your back and you promised him the same.

You both wear blue but that where it stops.

You believe in justice for "all"  but he does not.

You do it by the book.

He makes his rules

You turn it all in.

He skims his of the top.

When you see a man who is black you just see man.

When he sees a black man he sees a potential suspect.

He wants imditate action.

He views him as a threat.

He won't call for back up and doesn't believe in speaking to them nice.

As far as he's concerned he's saving the taxpayers money by ending a black life because they don't matter.

All he needs is your cosign to seal the deal.

What should you do?

He is a cop but is he like you?

He's not your brother.

He's a disgrace to the badge.

He the opposite of everything you stand for.

He's not like you.

You owe him no alligence.

Your concious tearing you apart.

Don't uphold the brotherhood.

Listen to your heart.

He's slime and not worthy to stand next to you.

If your superiors say he acted justly then ask yourself if that outfit is still for you.

Take a stand.

End Police brutality.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™️

HLH 10/29/20©️

I got me.

You don't see the bigger picture.

You can't grasp my motives.
Your oblivious to my methods.
When you look at me and listen to me all "you" see is madness.
You think I'm a nut.
A weirdo... big time.
You counted me out in your mind and left me for dead.
Well I'm here to let you know that you can go on and go right ahead.
Stay over there with your doubt and distain towards me.
I don't live for your cheers and I'll never cry over your boos.
I don't need your approval or accpetance.
Its really alright if you think I'm extra, basic, or way over the top.
I don't live for you.
I live for me and I'm never going to stop.
So stay in your box and keep on silently judging me like you've been doing from the jump.

I promise you I don't care.

I never needed you.
I'll never be in need of you.

I expect nothing from you.

If I have to walk alone for the rest of my days than that's alright by me.

If anybody in the world's going to have my back it'll be me.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.
Poetry for all occasions ™️.
HLH 10/29/20


 I was having a problem but wasn't quite sure on how to approach it.

I paced back and forth and around and around.

I was burden with anxiety.

Riddled with uncertainty and drowning in doubt.

I was perplexed.

Confused to say the least.

I sat and sat.

I pondered and pondered.

Yet I kept on drawing blanks.

The answer I was seeking  kept alluding me.

Then I finally decided to hit streets.

Someone must know how to solve this problem.

Some one must have the key.

I sat out  on my journey determined to find a clue.

I needed an answer.

I needed someone to tell me what I should do.

The first person I came across was wisdom.

I began to ask wisdom to help me out but wisdom interrupted me in mid speech and said, "I already know what this is all about."

I could tell you what you want to know, but you will not be able to fully grasp it in your current state of mind.

Stay traveling down this path to until you reach a plateau. 

Once you see it call out for the one called consciousness and they will tell you what you need to know.

I thanked wisdom and then departed swiftly.

I walked until I reached the plateau

I called out to consciousness and consciousness responded back.

Then as I was about to ask my question Conciouness handed me a key. 

Then told me to take the key to knowledge and knowlede would reviel the answer I seek.

I asked Conciouness how do get to  Knowledge.

Conciouness replied,"Stay on this path until you see a large tree."

Knowledge will be perched under it and waiting for this key.

I walked a little further until I reached the tree.

Sure enough, knowledge was resting comfortably and looking as if he was expecting  me.

I waswwas from all that traveling. I couldn't muster the strength to speak. 

I just handed knowledge the key.

Knowledge pulled out a box and handed me the box along with the key. Then told me to open it and I'll finally get the answer I seek.

I opened the box and found a peculiar sight.

The box contained the letters N and R and hand mirror. 

I looked at knowledge and asked knowledge to explain.

Knowledge said you already know.

Put all the items together and keep saying it until it becomes plain.

I looked at the items again.

I said, NR mirror.

No that wasn't it.

Then I said,N R reflection."

No. That didn't sound quite right either.

The I said N R a flection of me.

NR me?

I scratched my forehead and furrowed my brow.

Then I tried saying it again out loud.

N R me.


That was it.

Why did take me that long long to see.

The answer I was seeking was before me the whole time.

It was the "inner" me.


hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™️

HLH 10/29/20©️