Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts

Sunday, May 1, 2022

No catch.


Everything's not a hustle.

Everything's not a scam. 

Everyone doesn't have a hidden agenda. 

Everything's not too good to be true. 

You've just grown accustomed to people taking advantage of you.

Some people are wicked. 

Some People are ornery.

Some people are mean.

Some people are really foul.

Some people are dishonest.

Some people are phoney.

However, their are many people who are not .

You can't go through life mistrusting everyone.

All you do is be cautious and make sure that you are one of the good ones.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH © 4/2/ 22

Sunday, April 24, 2022



It always obvious.

It isn't always in plain view.

It is however, all around you.

It's in everything.

It's even in things that cruel, vicious, and eternally dark.

Look closely and you'll be able to spot it.

It's in the air.

It's in soil.

It's in the water.

It's in the trees.

It's inside of you.

It's inside of me.

You release your inhabitions it never allude your detection.

Practice seeing it in all.

Make it your new  discipline and make art.

Beauty resides in everything and keeps the world from falling apart.

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hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.

Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/24/22

Tuesday, April 5, 2022



Promises promises promises.

You say one thing and then do another.

You say want to change but your actions show otherwise.

You keep running with the same crowd and speaking the same speak.

You said you would start ASAP but it's already been a week.

If it's not this it's that.

You have more excuses than the allows.

You blamed everybody you could possibly blame.

Who's left now?

I understand hard times.

I understand setbacks.

I understand loss.

I understand short comings.

You  check none of those boxes.

All your doing is running.

If want things to turn around you need to stop.

Make plan.

Stick to it.

Follow through and stay true.

As soon as you do that you'll rise to the top.

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The #1 source of poetry online

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™
HLH© 4/5/22

Sunday, April 3, 2022



Say it your chest.

Affirm it with your mouth.

Walk big.

Stand proud.

Be courageous.

Don't settle.

Don't buckle. 

Double down.

Talk your talk.

Go hard or go home.

Cease this opportunity.

Claim your throne.

Embed your mark.

Keep your poker face ice cold 

Deliver your message in any style you need to just be bold.

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The#1 source of poetry online

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/3/22


Wednesday, March 30, 2022



Never take pain over peace.

Never mistake fraternizing for friend ship.

Never mistake love for lust.

Never choose popularity over trust.

Never sacrifice integrity for greed.

Never turn your back on loyalty.

Theirs always a to make.

Their always an option to choose from.

Stay true to your purpose and you'll always select the right one.

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The #1 source of poetry online.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™

HLH© 3/30/22

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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

No rush

Slow down before you get a ticket.

Your moving way too fast

You may want it ASAP but if you get it, it probably won't last.

Take you time.

Stop and smell the roses.

Take your time and do it right.

Savor the flavor.

Instant gratification is only temporarily satisfying.

It's always greater later.

The #1 source of poetry online.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a Passion. Poetry for all  occasions.™

HLH© 3/22/22

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Thursday, December 10, 2020

For the love of it.

Would you love doing it any less if no one knew you where doing it?

Do you find your work rewarding without being rewarded for it?

Would you quit doing it if none ever said your name?

Are you passionate about it or are you just seeking fame?

What is your intention?

What do you hope to gain?

Do with passion.

Move at a vigerous pace.

If you truly love it then everything else will fall into place.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions™️
HLH 12/10/20©️

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Welcome to the poetry corner

Off the top.




Completely free from contemplation.

Instinctive moves.

Uncalculated execution.

Flowing with charisma.

Trusting vibes.

Fear on mute.

Letting  it ride. 

My creativity holds no bounds.

From mind to the pad.

Channeling celestial sounds.

I don't write poetry .

My art creates its self.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasion™
hlh 12/19/19©