Showing posts with label literature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label literature. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Thankful reminder.


Never forget to be thankful for everything you have.

Never forget to be thankful for everything you've been through.

Never forget to be thankful for everyone that has ever helped you.

You should even be thankful for all your  bad experiences and for those that tried to harm you.

Without forces opposing you;you would never know how powerful  you truly are.

Be thankful for everything.

Count your blessings.

Thank the most high.

Keep a  consistent attitude of gratitude and you'll surely change your longitude and latitude.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 5/11/22

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Friendly space


Don't crowd their space.

Give them room to breathe.

Give them time to heal and process how they feel.

Don't take personal if they don't call back or text back.

It's not something you did.

Their just trying to sort things out.

Play the background.

Support them from a distance until they are fully ready to receive you.

Don't let their silence fool you.

They desperately need you.

Just be patient.

Just wait.

Don't become overly anxious.

The best way you can support them is by giving them their space.

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HLH© 4/28/22

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


 Don't not let it temp you.

Do not let it entice you.

Don't be so easily seduced by its toxic charm.

Dig deep and stay focused.

Don't just go for the easy fix.

Keep your eyes opened.

Don't fall for crafty tricks.

Stand firm.

You have strength.

You can resist.

Be Ridgid.

Be as study as iron.

Be as strong as steel.

Let nothing break your will.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™


Monday, April 25, 2022



Loud doesn't equal right.

The outcome will always

 remain unchanged.

The truth has subtle notes and so should you.

Arguing proves little. 

Confidence surpasses all.

Lions roar.

Elephant barely make a sound.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.

Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH 4/25/22

Sunday, April 24, 2022



It always obvious.

It isn't always in plain view.

It is however, all around you.

It's in everything.

It's even in things that cruel, vicious, and eternally dark.

Look closely and you'll be able to spot it.

It's in the air.

It's in soil.

It's in the water.

It's in the trees.

It's inside of you.

It's inside of me.

You release your inhabitions it never allude your detection.

Practice seeing it in all.

Make it your new  discipline and make art.

Beauty resides in everything and keeps the world from falling apart.

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hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.

Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/24/22

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Cherish it


Appreciate every second you above ground.

Be grateful for every experience your exposed to good or have one.

There is someone laying uninterrupted who never got a chance to have one.

Savor your moments .

Relish all time spent.

Await the with cuter hold with vigour..

Treasure your past.

Regret nothing.

Dream big.

Live loud .

Never wallow in sorrow.

Cease today because you are not promised tomorrow.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/17/22

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hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/17/22

Friday, April 15, 2022

Your dope.


It's alright to be humble.

It's alright to be modest.

It's okay to meek.

It wise to be soft- spoken.

However; every once in awhile you have to strut.

You have to too toot your own horn and celebrate you for overcoming everything you've been through and rejoicing in advance for everything that your about to do.

Tip your hat to yourself.

You worthy.

You deserve it.

You are inspirational.

You are inciteful.

You are powerful.

You are beaming with optimism.

You fill the room with positive energy.

You amazing.

You inspire hop.

Look in that mirror and say, " Damn I'm dope.

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hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/15/22

Thursday, April 14, 2022



True power  dwells deep from within.

True foresight can not be seen for seen.

True conviction can not be explained.

True sorrow can can not be expressed with words.

True lines of integrity can not be blurred. 

True remorse can never yield.

True love is unconditional and never fleeting.

True passion means never retreating.

Truth is the ultimate tie that binds all.

True intent is always reviled. 

Everything will crumble if truth is ever concealed.

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The #1 source of poetry online.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/14/22

Wednesday, April 13, 2022



Don't ever say what you won't do.

No one ever actually knows until the  deed is done.

You should never claim victory until after you've actually won.

 Never judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes.

Never count someone out or dismiss someone until you know the truth.

Nothing is eternal. 

Nothing is infallible.

Only the truth is absolute.

Never put anything past anyone.

Time will reveal all.

Never believe the path to success is a straight line.

Never put off something that could be done today.

Never allow pass on an opportunity to be kind.

Always keep in mind that never is a very long time.

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The # 1 source of poetry online.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/13/23

Tuesday, April 12, 2022



I'm over it.

I'm done with it.

I have no further use for it.

You can have it.

I'm tired of the back and forth.

I don't want to debate.

I know what I know.

You believe what you believe.

I'm into arguing just for the for arguments sake. 

If being right means so much to you then you can have it.

I'm done.

I refuse to play by those rules.

Wise ones don't argue with fools.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/12/22

Monday, April 11, 2022

Trade off


You cake and eat it too.

What you are you willing to do without? 

How far do want to push it?

Are so comfortable in your comfort zone that you don't want leave? 

Maybe your just afraid.

Maybe  you just don't believe that you can soar to new heights. 

Aren't you curious to see what's on the other side?

Let the dice go.

Pay whatever price.

Heaven is awaiting for you to take a slice.

Don't let hesitation mount.

Don't get discouraged about the possibility of a fail.

Don't live the rest of eternity in a what if hell.

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hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.

Poetry for all occasions.™

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

In the flesh


Oh what a feeling.

That surge.

 That rush. 

That senation.

It massages your senses in oh so satisfying ways.

You  want to experience it all the time 

Your intranced by its alluring caress 

You can't ignore it.

You can't escape it.

You need it.

You love it.

You crave it 

Don't deny it


You want that instant gratification.

You've tasted it's sweet nectar and now theirs no turning back for you.

Satisfaction has become an absolute must.

You are now officially ensnared in the clutches of lust.

You lust for power.

You lust after status.

You lust for success and riches untold.

You lust for acceptance.

You lust for attention.

You lust after the perfect image of  what you believe the perfect family is 

You lust after the the love of your life.

You will do anything to obtain no matter the price.

Lust is now rooted deep within and resides inside of your higher self.

You know it's wrong but it feel so right.

You've cast virture to the side and now you are perfectly content with letting lust run your life.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™



Tuesday, April 5, 2022



Promises promises promises.

You say one thing and then do another.

You say want to change but your actions show otherwise.

You keep running with the same crowd and speaking the same speak.

You said you would start ASAP but it's already been a week.

If it's not this it's that.

You have more excuses than the allows.

You blamed everybody you could possibly blame.

Who's left now?

I understand hard times.

I understand setbacks.

I understand loss.

I understand short comings.

You  check none of those boxes.

All your doing is running.

If want things to turn around you need to stop.

Make plan.

Stick to it.

Follow through and stay true.

As soon as you do that you'll rise to the top.

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The #1 source of poetry online

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™
HLH© 4/5/22

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Like that


Is this how it is?

Is this what were doing now?

We out here sharing the same brain?

We out here selling our souls to buy a name?

We out here thinking the exact same things?

We out here afraid to disagree?

We out here just going with flow?

We out here afraid to speak out?

We going taking the same route?

Is this what we've reduced to now?

What a shame.

We out here afraid to be different and terrified to change.

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The#1 source of poetry online.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

It gets better


Did you know the your best moment could never end?

It's true.

You can decide how  feel.

No one can take it away.

No one can make you feel any other type of way.

Sure, people can test you.

Sure some people will vex you but at the end of the you feel about anything is entirely up to you.

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The#1 source of poetry online.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH@ 3/29/22

Monday, March 28, 2022



Appreciate it.
Never abuse it.
After it's  entrusted to you never loose it.

It's a precious rare gift that must be kept secreate and never compromised.

After it's broken it can never be fully repaired.

It's so delicate and fragile and uploading it is always hard.
Be careful when it breaks or will be cut by its shards.

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The #1 source of poetry online

Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 3/28/22

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Rise up

It begins right here....right now.

No more taking all things brought before you at face value.

No believing in fairy tales.

No more flying below the radar.

No more being afraid to rock the boat because you don't want to cause waves.

You have a purpose.

You have a higher calling.

You must secure the and know the information for yourself.

It's alright to ask for help but don't rely on just any vessel.

Don't rely on just any source.

Be fearless in all you take on.

Be assertive.

Be confident.

Know that you are more than enough.

You only limited by what you can by the stars and the sky.

You are chosen.

Your time has come.


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Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 3/26/22


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Switch up


Theirs more than one way to skin a cat.

Theirs always a new angle or different method you can try.

Don't approach everything you encounter in life with a closed mind and blind eyes.

You must be willing to give something new a try. 

You don't have to settle or conform to the norm but you would be wise to go a different route every now and again.

Don't be so predictable.

Try a new trick.

Learn a new step.

Adjust your tactics.

Change your strategy.

You don't have to execute the plan flawlessly or with laser precision.

What ever you do don't get locked into tunnel vision.

Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™

HLH© 3/24/22

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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

No rush

Slow down before you get a ticket.

Your moving way too fast

You may want it ASAP but if you get it, it probably won't last.

Take you time.

Stop and smell the roses.

Take your time and do it right.

Savor the flavor.

Instant gratification is only temporarily satisfying.

It's always greater later.

The #1 source of poetry online.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a Passion. Poetry for all  occasions.™

HLH© 3/22/22

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Monday, March 21, 2022


Have you ever stopped to notice how powerful water is?

Just a teaspoon can drawn you.

It can bore through solid stone.

It never truly vanishes.

It merely takes on different forms.

It's around us.

It even resides inside of all us.

It takes on the shape of whatever object it's placed in.

You can freeze it or evaporate it and it will still thrive. 

It will find a way to thrive and exist.

We can learn a lot from water.

Water is an unrelenting and ominous force.

We should all study this natural resource and mirrors our paths we choose in life after it.

We should try to emulate the concept of it's existence and adapt it.

We should consider everything about it.

From the deepest depths of the sea to the tiniest trickle.

The mightiest tsunamis once started off as an insignificant ripple.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™

HLH© 3/21/22

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