Saturday, May 7, 2022

Same page


I'm not easily impressed.

I have my own mind. 

I'm a whole vibe.

I have my own mind. 

I'm soft spoken and meek but I'm far from weak.

I pay attention to everything.

I don't just watch how people move.  

I listen to what they say and how they speak. 

Everyone can't be everyone's cup of tea.

Here are a few things that just do it for me.

You speaking my language if your not speaking about change.

We can't get down with constant put downs.

Materialism doesn't interest me.

I enjoy positivity.

Speak growth.

Speak life.

Speak kindness.

Speak evolution.

Speak progression.

Speak love.

Speak light.

Speak perseverance.

Speak unity.

Speak empowerment.

Speak revolution.

Speak good fortune.

Speak health.

Speak truth.

Speak God.

Speak enlightenment.

Speak spirituality.

Speak consciousness.

Speak good spirited humor.

Speak passion.

Speak abundance.

Speak reciprocity.

Speak life.

Speak energy.

Speak universally.

Speak diversity.

Speak healing.

Speak wisely or do not speak to me.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/7/22

Friday, May 6, 2022



Every day presents a new challenge and a new opportunity.

You can bold new beginnings and have climactic ends.

How far you want can go all depends.

You don't have to a ceiling.

You don't have to have an end. 

You decide on how your time is spent.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

My nots

Have you ever noticed that everyone always acknowledges have.

They give thanks for all they have.

None ever speaks about the word not in good way.

Well, today I am going to appreciate all my nots.

I'm glad not sick.

I'm esstatic that I'm not deceased.

I'm not incarcerated.

I'm not poor.

I'm not broken.

I'm not lonely.

I'm not depressed.

I'm not bitter.

I'm not  cold.

I'm not in bondage.

I'm not out of options.

I'm not weary.

I'm not depleted.

I'm not in lack.

I'm not defeated.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 5/4/22

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The solo


You can seek advice.

You can seek council If you  want to know more about a particular subject

Wanting to acquire more knowledge is perfectly alright.

However, if your seeking your purpose in life that will be a little more difficult.

It will take many days and many nights.

You may come in contact with a few guides and mentors along the way but you will prove to be the expert at the end of the day.

This your destiny.

You are the  architect.

You are the artist.

You the captain of your own vessel

  You are the chief ambassador

You are the engineer.

Your own voice is what you need to hear.

Find it.

Use it.

Embrace it.

Listen to every single syllable.

That's your true help.

Only you can design your own life and no one else.

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HLH© 4/3/21

Monday, May 2, 2022



Nobody's perfect.

We all have blemishes.

We are all tarnished works of art.

We all fall short somewhere.

We're not always organized.

We all get discombobulated and out of sorts.

We all are all works in progress working toward progress.

No one has all the answer regardless of what they say.

The only goal we should strive toward is being better than we were yesterday.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™


Sunday, May 1, 2022

No catch.


Everything's not a hustle.

Everything's not a scam. 

Everyone doesn't have a hidden agenda. 

Everything's not too good to be true. 

You've just grown accustomed to people taking advantage of you.

Some people are wicked. 

Some People are ornery.

Some people are mean.

Some people are really foul.

Some people are dishonest.

Some people are phoney.

However, their are many people who are not .

You can't go through life mistrusting everyone.

All you do is be cautious and make sure that you are one of the good ones.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH © 4/2/ 22

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Not it

Don't take it personally.

It's not you.

It's them.

You mind them of a peace that's beyond their grasp.

That's why you iritate them so easily.

They look at themselves in mirror and do not like what they see.

They figure their better and comprehend why can continuously rise.

They can't phathome how easy it for you to not require external support.

That's why they lash out you.

That's why they mock.

That's why they brood.

That's why they sulk

That's why complain.

That's they roast you.

That's why they complain.

They want what you have.

They that inner glow.

They want your light.

They want desperately to know how continue to succeed in areas they fail especially after they have sabotage you and set you up to fail.

They are toured souls.

They spiritually dead.

They are love deficient. 

They keep desperately trying to fill void and wanting to see how an untainted life could be.

They want to just like you.

They want to be free.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a Passion. Poetry for all occasions.™