Friday, July 16, 2021


 You don't have to be perfect.

Just be real.

Be true to yourself.

Be true to your art and express how you truly feel.

Don't be affraid to color outside the lines.

Live your truth.

Stand firmly on  your beliefs.

Don't seek validation.

Stick out like a sore thumb.

Embrace your flaws.

Don't be affraid to fail.

Above all just be you at all cost.

Don't try to follow after the crowd because their all lost.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions ™️
HLH©️ 7/16/21

Full circle.

Things have a way of ending the exact same way they start, that's why you must take great pride in your art.

Don't horde the knowledge all for yourself.

Give it away how it was  given to you with intention to help.

Give freely.

Lovely unconditionally.

It will return full circle to you.

Keep heart noble and your intentions pure and watch all the wonderful things that will gravitate to you.

Move at a divine pace and you'll never be on the tail end of "anything" no matter which direction you face.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™️


Just remember.

 Just close your eyes and capture this moment in this instance of time.

Do you feel how calm and serene it is right now?

It feels nice doesn't it?

Enjoy this feeling because it won't last long.

A storm is brewing and the minstrels are composing new songs.

The winds of destiny are blowing and it does not  bode well for those that have chosen to forget or worse yet those who are not the least bit concerned with the ongoing plight of the oppressed.

The seeds of revolt are germinating.

There will be another civil unrest.

When it happens again get to higher ground and do not act surprised.

Just reflect, receive, and above all remember.

Remember all the  times that the gavel banged for false injustice.

Remember all the falsely accused.

Remember all the trumped up charges.

Remember every man, woman and child that ever got strung up by a noose and hung from a tree.

Remember how the word picnic came to be.

Remember every piece of land ever stolen from us.

Remember every lie ever told to us about us.

Remember slavery.

Remember Tuskegee.

Remember Jim crow.

Remember cointelpro.

Remember redlining.

Remember chem trails.

Remember Flint.

Remember Tulsa Oklahoma.

Remember Merger.

Remember Fred.

Remember Bobby.

Remember Malcolm.

Remember Martin.

Remember Emit.

Remember Mike

Remember Tamir.

Remember Freddie.

Remember Sean.

Remember Eric.

Remember Philando.

Remember Sandra.

Remember Rhogena.

Remember India.

Remember every dereliction of duty.

Remember every loan, bail, and opportunity denied.

Remember every tear shed from a black parent as they were told their child died.

Remember all these injustices as the tension slowly mount.

Remember how you benefited from it or stood ideally by as it was happening right in front of you.

Remember how each soul felt before the first blow was delt.

Remember all the shrieks of pain from the past.

Remember all those things as you gaze upon the rumble and the ash.

Remember how we groveled

Remember how we begged.

Remember how we pleaded.

Remember how we confided in you and the way we vented.

Remember if you would have only done "something" this could have all been prevented.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™️

HLH©️ 7/16/21

Friday, July 9, 2021

Moving forward.

You call it change.

I call  it efficiency.

I just get straight to the point now.

I don't have time to invest in things that do not better me.

I won't waste time on things that do not nurture my creativity.

I no longer waste time on painting pictures for those who are too blind to see.

I no longer have the constitution to be around those who do not believe in me.

I snip a corner here.

A tuck an edge there.

A fold here.

A crease there.

Now it's all rearranged to "my" liking.

I'm now operating efficiently on my time.

Hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions ™️

HLH ©️7/10/21

Listen up

 Sometimes people don't want answers.

Sometimes they don't need truth.

Sometimes logic isn't required.

Sometimes no feedback is exactly the remedy they seek.

Sometimes they just want to open up to an ear kind enough to hear.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™️

HLH©️ 7/9/21


 Promises promises.

Why give your word if you do intend on keeping it.

You promised your time and  you wasted it all up.

You promised you'd be there but you never even attempted to show up.

You promised your loyalty but the streets collected the debt.

You promised your devotion but  you live only to serve you.

You promised to keep your word.

You promised to stay true.

You continuously break your promises.

What's that say about you?

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™️



Saturday, July 3, 2021

Run that back


No way.

No how.

I haven't even started yet.

This is just the warm up stretch.

Your getting yours off right now.

I'm letting you enjoy your turn.

Just remember

I got next.

I'm  nowhere close to being done .

It's not over until it's over.

I haven't officially started yet.

Now let's try that again.

Don't get hyped up by the score board.

Don't get cocky from the stats. 

Ball in.

Game on.

Run it back.

Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™️

HLH. ©️7/3/21