Tuesday, May 17, 2022

So be it.


I think I'm a little bit selfish.

I mean I love hogging myself to myself.

If that makes any sort of sense at all.

 I used to really want alot of friends to take to and hang out with.

I desperate for company.

I would be willing to compromise my own time and sacrifice my own interest just to fit in.

I wanted to be part of a large circle.

I was willing to pay any price.

Now I find pleasure being alone and staying in my bubble.

I encounter no hastles or troubles.

I love relaxing with my thoughts and enjoying my peace.

You can have that huge circle.

Keep your crowd.

I'd rather maintain my peace of mind.

I prefer quite to loud.

I know eventually I'll have to let a few in to accomplish some things but  for right now tranquility reigns supreme.

Sirenity is where it's at.

My circle is almost non existent and I'm just fine with that.

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Message me directly @ passionwebmail@poeticpassion.host 

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™


Sunday, May 15, 2022



Doing the Work.

Laying the mortar.

Finding new paths to pave. 

Removing the debris.

Retiling and restructuring all obstructions.

Grinding all surfaces smooth.

This the work I choose to do.

I'm building.

I'm turning my weakness into my strengths.

I'm honing my craft.

I'm calerbraing my instruments.

I'm adhering to a new regiment.

I'm fully commiting to my discipline.

I'm building.

I'm tunneling into a new space.

I'm closing the leaky valves. 

I'm closing the gap.

I'm filling the void.

One I've finished building my new vessel it will not be destroyed. 

Comment on this poem. 

Message me directly @ passionwebmail@poeticpassion.host

Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 5/15/22

Saturday, May 14, 2022

The reprieve


It is taking place right now weather you see it not.

None of your struggles or

 sacrifices has been in vain.

All your toilng and suffering hasn't been all for not.

Your time is coming.

Your victory is near.

Do not fret.

The atmosphere is shifting.

Everything is just temporarily on pause.

It's already done.

It's on the way.

It just hasn't happened yet.

Keep working deligegntly.

Don't take anything personal.

This is war.

You may loose few Squamishes but victory shall be yours.

Comment on this poem

Message me directly @ passionwebmail@poeticpassion.host

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/14/22

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Thankful reminder.


Never forget to be thankful for everything you have.

Never forget to be thankful for everything you've been through.

Never forget to be thankful for everyone that has ever helped you.

You should even be thankful for all your  bad experiences and for those that tried to harm you.

Without forces opposing you;you would never know how powerful  you truly are.

Be thankful for everything.

Count your blessings.

Thank the most high.

Keep a  consistent attitude of gratitude and you'll surely change your longitude and latitude.

Comment on this poem. 

Message me directly @ passionwebmail@poeticpassion.host

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 5/11/22

Tuesday, May 10, 2022



Knowing your peace doesn't require saying your peace.

Seeing  all the dots connecting is it's own reward.

Imagine being at the precipice of completion right before you ascend.

Capture these vivid images in your mind.

Use them to landscape reality when it comes time. 

Its not out your gasp.

Its closer than it seems.

It your for the taking if your bold enough to dream.

comment on this poem 

message me directly @ passionwebmail@poeticpassion.host

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.

Poetry for all occasions.™

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Same page


I'm not easily impressed.

I have my own mind. 

I'm a whole vibe.

I have my own mind. 

I'm soft spoken and meek but I'm far from weak.

I pay attention to everything.

I don't just watch how people move.  

I listen to what they say and how they speak. 

Everyone can't be everyone's cup of tea.

Here are a few things that just do it for me.

You speaking my language if your not speaking about change.

We can't get down with constant put downs.

Materialism doesn't interest me.

I enjoy positivity.

Speak growth.

Speak life.

Speak kindness.

Speak evolution.

Speak progression.

Speak love.

Speak light.

Speak perseverance.

Speak unity.

Speak empowerment.

Speak revolution.

Speak good fortune.

Speak health.

Speak truth.

Speak God.

Speak enlightenment.

Speak spirituality.

Speak consciousness.

Speak good spirited humor.

Speak passion.

Speak abundance.

Speak reciprocity.

Speak life.

Speak energy.

Speak universally.

Speak diversity.

Speak healing.

Speak wisely or do not speak to me.

comment on this poem

Message me directly@ passionwebmail@poeticpassion.host

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/7/22

Friday, May 6, 2022



Every day presents a new challenge and a new opportunity.

You can bold new beginnings and have climactic ends.

How far you want can go all depends.

You don't have to a ceiling.

You don't have to have an end. 

You decide on how your time is spent.

comment on this poem

message me directly @ passionwebmail@poeticpassion.host

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™
