Sunday, March 20, 2022



Sometimes you have to fall back and catch your breath.

Every now and then you have regain your footing and retrace your steps.

You have to make sure your feet are planted firmly to ensure your  foot hold and to be able to  brace yourself if you slip.

Falling is inevitable.

It can and will happen sure enough.

When it does you just have to get back up 

Keep knees bent a little bit.

An obstacle is coming up.

If can't go through it mannuver around it.

Good defense is all about the pivot.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™


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Saturday, March 19, 2022

Square up.

It's not going to be easy.

It's not going to be pleasant.

It's going to be painful.

It's definitely going to hurt.

You can't be afraid.

You can run away from.

Stare it down.

Prepare to defend your self.

Knuckle up.

Get ready ready for some pain.

After you get knock down get right back.

Counter strike for every blow your delt.

Don't back down.

Don't give up.

You have what it takes to win. 

You are a champion.

Stay focused on the battle.

Lick your wounds later.

No matter how many times you get thrown out of the ring get back in.

Don't throw in the towel not matter how messy it gets.

No matter how badly it goes keep your guard up and prepare to  deliver that knock out blow.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™

HLH© 3/19/22

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Friday, March 18, 2022

It just is


Sometimes there is no explanation for a random occurrence or chain of events.

That's just the way some things play out.

That's just how it is and that's just the way it will be.

People will try you.

People will use you.

People will lie on you.

That's just a fact.

You can change their actions but you can choose how you react.

You can dwell on the enviable or mover forward post haste.

You can decide just how much time you have and how much it you want to waste.

You can spend all your time retaliating against those that wronged or made you feel slighted or you can just wait until karma kicks in and leave them to their own devices.

That's just the natural order of things.

That's  just how this life works. 

You must decide how you want to utilize your time.

There is no explanation or rationale.

It just is.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™
HLH© 3/18/22

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Thursday, March 17, 2022



Their is no them.

Their is no they.

Their is only you.

You set the pace.

You set the pace tone.

You create the atmosphere.

You decide your own fate all alone.

You are in command.

You take charge.

You generate problems.

You find solutions.

Everything that is meant to happen will happen regardless of how you feel about it or complain.

If something does not work out the way you plan it you only have yourself to blame.

Stop resisting.

Stop trying to control everything around you.

Leafs will always turn in  Autumn.

Night will always fade into day.

If you want peace and resolve then you must learn to get out of your own way.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™

HLH© 3/18/22

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Wednesday, March 16, 2022



It may not be visible at all times but it's always there.

You just have to know how to look.

It's in the sky.

It's on land.

It's in the sea.

It's deep inside you.

It's deep inside me.

What is it?

What could thing be?

It is light.

It's glow radiates and illuminates over all.

It warm carcess, rejuvenates and heals.

We have it.

We can see it.

We drawn to it.

We all require it to live.

Be free hearted with it.

Bask in it.

Allow it to teach you how to live.

Let shine brightly and give it away lovingly.

Allow it to to dispell darkness and awaken you keen senses and incite.

It is eternal and never fades.

Do yourself the hugest favor and shine your light.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion Poetry for all occasions ™


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Sunday, March 13, 2022

For me

I'm not for everyone and that's alright.

I don't need to be understood by all.

I don't need to be liked.

I don't look forward to defending everything thing I say.

I know difficult, stubborn, and ornery I can be.

That's just who I am.

I can only be me.

I can't accommodate each individual I meet.

I can't tone everything down about me just to appease.

I know many find me cold.

I know many find my strange.

Some people even  call me slow.

I let people like that think what they think.

I go on knowing what I know.

I will admit that it gets lonely sometimes.

I think deep thoughts like that in the middle of the night.

I'm not everyone's cup of tea;and you know what that's perfectly alright.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.

 Poetry for all occasions ™

HLH© 3/14/22

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Saturday, March 12, 2022


 This too shall pass.

Nothing ever remains the same.

Cherished memories will always burn brightly but fleeting moments will always pass.

Eternity just is just a theory.

Nothing lasts.

Everything changes.

You might move slowly in you endeavors but time travels fast.

As surely as the sun rises and sets... everything you've gone accustomed to can disappear in the blink of eye.

Old aquatintes will be forgotten.

What was once familiar will become foreign and feel strange.

To forage on you must accept what now is and embrace the change.

Time will always move forward even if you do not.

Welcome the future and wave goodbye to the past.

Everything changes.

This too shall pass.

Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™


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