Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The art of me

Today I’m off to a fresh start.
I’m leaving tomorrow behind and working on my futures art.
I’m dipping my brush and pushing my pen.
I’m not worried about past blotches nor blunders.
I’m not concentrating on the clocks’ ticking thunder.
I’m creating.
I’m just flowing not debating.
No hang-ups or frowns.
No new cases of the get me downs.
What am I making you ask?
I’ll tell you when I know.
Right now. I'm just enjoying the task.

copyright 11/23/10 HLH

Monday, November 1, 2010

Autum prelude

Now Hear the rustling leaves.

Feel the cool autumn breeze.

Listen closely and you'll hear the wind whisper a tale.

Night sets in and it chimes it's bell.

Nature awaits in readiness as it prepares to sip from life's harvest well.

The elixir will be potent yet relaxing.

Soothing the body from ware and easing the mind from taxing thoughts.

Accepting all that and remembering yet releasing all that has been lost.

Down the frothy brew.

Let it trickle slowly down your pallet.

Savor every sweet and bitter sip.

Let it flush your cheeks and tingle your lips.

Now tilt your goblet and raise your neck to gaze at the dusk drenched sky.

Give thanks to for this blessing.

Kneel and be humble.

Aspire to be great.

Embrace all the seasons miracles.. both great and small

Turn your inhibitions like the color on leaves.

Bare witness to fall.

copyright 11/1/10 HLH

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I paid my dues and earned my place.

I poured salt in my wounds and used blood to wash my face.

I iced my veins to freeze out all taunts

I muffled the sound of my needs and trampled the growth sprits of my wants and desire's

I forged myself in pain's fire

In hopes of reaching and transcending beyond triumph's spire.

Here I stand.

Rolled in ash.

Dipped in fire.

Sharpened to perfection and ready to smite all of life's liars.



Razor sharp.


New foresight and highly evolved.

I'm now cold and calculating.

Free flowing yet impassive.

Impossible to solve.

I've achieved oneness.

I have found a new resolve.

copyright 10/27/10 HLH

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Selfless protector

I stand with no fear.

My mind is free from doubt.

My choice... the warrior's route.

My weapon is truth.
My armor is love.

My pride flows endlessly like the sea.

My longing in life is to be free.

To not be tied down by burden or worry.

To be able to take my time without having to rush or worry.

To protect everyone from life's furry.

To sooth the weary.

To comfort the teary.
To accomplish all my goals and live out all my dreams.

To have harmony in my life before I leave this place.

The trumpet has sounded and the battle is through.
My family.

Although I am no longer here I will eternally continue to fight for you.

Rip Darryl. AKA Down Low.

copyright 10/20/10 HLH

Why sista?

Why do you roll your eyes and neck when you speak?/

Why are you worried what another female has on her feet?

Why do sneer or have your face knotted tight?

Why do you have your hands clinched in balls and ready to fight?

Why do you punish your tiny male version of me?

Why can't you let what lays lie and what is be?
why sista?


Why are you so damn angry?

copyright 10/20/10 HLH

Why Brotha?

Why brotha do you swear so much?/

Why brotha are you quick to anger and even quicker to mistrust?/

Why do speak to your tender flower like a whore?
Why do you think openly expressing your emotions are gay?/

How come when your burden down with problems you turn to the bottle instread of pray?/

Why brotha do you blame the white man for all your short comings in life?/

Why do feel you must kill another to earn your stripes?/

Why is it that you have the craving to sleep with any woman you can find; yet are not truly content until you have bedded mine?/

Why educated brotha do you call me a thug?/

Why older brotha won't you show your younger brotha love?/

Why brotha are you so brazen, so arrogant, so bold?

Why brotha do you lack a zest for life?

Why brotha are you so damn cold?

copyright 10/20/10 HLH


I am flowing yet steady,/ idle yet ready./ I soar highly and cannot be tamed.

My energy is infinaite and cannot be drained. my thoughts are my own./ I face every challenge I meet head on,and will never flee. I claim and conquer my destiny./ for I am free.

(MJ inspired)