Showing posts with label unity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unity. Show all posts

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Play your part

We all have a gift.

We all have a talent.

We all have a special skill that sets us apart.

In times of peril the world demands we use them to play our part.

We all  can help our fellow man in this great time of civil unrest.

We all can do something productive to ease this tension and relieve this stress.

So lets  go out and bring forth all your donations and contributions.

March forward for justice and unite as one to provide solutions.

So builders build.

Muscians compose.

Activist  get active.

Cooks nourish the troops.

Singers croon the tune of freedom

Comedians humor us and uplift our spirits.

Artist immortalize this moment for future generations to see.

Musicans let your your instrument's melody rejuvenate the souls of the  spiritually dead.

Rappers spit that spit. Tap in and reach out.

Religious figures steady your flock for the choppy waters that lie ahead.

Poets speak or write the doctrine for the healing of the broken.

Leaders lead. Take control of the helm to organize the troops.

Hustlers acquire the funds and dispurse them liberally to finance the cause.

Fighters protect and defend to bitter end.

Resesrchers fact-check the media devils. Prevent the spread of misinformation.

Keyboard warriors your needed too. Spread awareness on your platforms so everyone will know where to go and what to do.

Lets stay stay focucused

Lets move as one and not get side tracked or divided.

We all must aggressive or non-violent.

One thing we can no longer do is stay silent.

hallziespoetrycorner: poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™
©HLH 6/7/20

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Selfless protector

I stand with no fear.

My mind is free from doubt.

My choice... the warrior's route.

My weapon is truth.
My armor is love.

My pride flows endlessly like the sea.

My longing in life is to be free.

To not be tied down by burden or worry.

To be able to take my time without having to rush or worry.

To protect everyone from life's furry.

To sooth the weary.

To comfort the teary.
To accomplish all my goals and live out all my dreams.

To have harmony in my life before I leave this place.

The trumpet has sounded and the battle is through.
My family.

Although I am no longer here I will eternally continue to fight for you.

Rip Darryl. AKA Down Low.

copyright 10/20/10 HLH

Why Brotha?

Why brotha do you swear so much?/

Why brotha are you quick to anger and even quicker to mistrust?/

Why do speak to your tender flower like a whore?
Why do you think openly expressing your emotions are gay?/

How come when your burden down with problems you turn to the bottle instread of pray?/

Why brotha do you blame the white man for all your short comings in life?/

Why do feel you must kill another to earn your stripes?/

Why is it that you have the craving to sleep with any woman you can find; yet are not truly content until you have bedded mine?/

Why educated brotha do you call me a thug?/

Why older brotha won't you show your younger brotha love?/

Why brotha are you so brazen, so arrogant, so bold?

Why brotha do you lack a zest for life?

Why brotha are you so damn cold?

copyright 10/20/10 HLH