Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2022


What's up with it though?

What's the focus?

What business?

What's the plan?

What the plot?

If talking about building then what are we discussing?

If we're not speaking progression then what is the lesson?

If your not talking love then why waste words?

Where are we going?

How does this all fit in the grand scheme?

What's the motivation?

Do you have a basis?

What's the theme?

You need to be certain of all these things.

It's a dawn of a new era.

It's the start of a new age.

Get with a program or get programmed.

Get on the same page.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.

Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH 6/29/22

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Wait up


Slow you roll.

Your moving too fast.

Your going to miss a valuable step.

Take your time.

Get your footing back.

Catch your breath.

Move with a sense of urgency and with a hassend pace but do not move so quickly you loose face.

Handle yourself with the upmost care.

Don't be in such a rush that you hurt yourself.

Your goal isn't going anywhere.

The finish line will still be there.

Maintain your center.

Find your peace.

Work cautiously so you can make it on one piece.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 6/28/22

Friday, June 24, 2022



Nothing ever ends the way it starts.

That is just life.

That is creativity.

That is art.

What ever you start see it through until the end.

No matter how difficult and how arduous the task becomes stick it out.

Don't give up.

Don't run.

The results will fulfill in ways would could not even begin to phathome.

Your life will take on new meaning.

From that point on uncertainty will become obsolete.

Their is no greater joy than to put the final piece in the puzzle and complete.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 6/24/22

Monday, June 13, 2022

Lets talk.


Don't assume anything get the fact before you rush to judgment.

Ask me anything.

I may answer.

I may not.

It all depends upon the approach.

Just fill me in.

What's on your mind?

What's getting your goat?

I'm sure we work something out.

Together I sure we can come up with a solution.

I'm sure we can figure something out.

We can compromise or civilly agree to disagree.

We can find some common ground and meet somewhere in the middle.

We can hash this out.

We can share.

We can split.

Lets talk about it.

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Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 6/13/22

Saturday, June 11, 2022


Go ahead.

I'm right here like I've been.

I know want  you want and I can make it happen.

I fulfill in ways you never imagined not conceived. 

Come to me now.

Just go with the flow.

It's just between you and me.

Know one has to know.

Its oh so wrong but I make feel alright.

Abodon all your reservations and let me entice you tonight.

That's it.

Let it all go.

Before you surrender just remember this one thing.

I fulfilled  your all your desires. 

I am your play thing.

My necture is sweet but  watch out for my sting.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH 6/11/22©

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Believe it


Sometimes it is exactly how it looks. 

No action can be taken against it.

Nothing can be done. 

That particular battle can not be won.

All you can do is accept what is and forward.

No blame can be placed.

No fault can be traced.

It is what is. 

Just deal.

Believe it.

Their is no turning back.

That's what it is.

It's just like that.

When someone shows you who they really are believe them.

You can not change them.

You can  not evolve them all you can do is adapt.

They meant every word.

Their sorry about what was done or how you were treated.

Face the facts.

Believe it.

No what is shown to just remeber you always have a say so.

You always have a voice.

You always can control the Narrative and they way you perceive it.

The truth will always be the truth.

You just have to believe it.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 6/09/22

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Do it


Nothing ventured nothing gained.

You can't experience true pleasure without a little bit of pain. 

Being cautious and taking your time is perfectly fine 

Just keep in mind that if you wait too long then you wait wrong.

Take that chance and make that move.

What if is the only thing you stand to loose.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 6/8/22

Tuesday, June 7, 2022



Closed mouths don't get fed.

Satisfy your curiosity simply asking.

Ask if you want to know.

Ask if you are in need.

Ask if you are finding yourself unable to get a good read on the situation.

It is up to you to inquire about all that is unclear.

Learn how to ask and miscommunication will disappear.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 6/7/22

Saturday, June 4, 2022



Their are some things money can simply not buy.

You can not put a put a price tag on the beauty of a star filled sky.

It's the small things in life that gets us by.

You can bottle and sell virtue nor integrity.

You can't finesse tranquility.

True peace and happiness is more precious than gold. 

Abundance can not be bought or sold.

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HLH© 6/4/22

Friday, June 3, 2022

Find it.


Their really is a silver lining in every cloud.

You just have to know where to look.

Relax your thoughts and still your mind.

Although the situation  may seem bleak the bright side is never very hard to find.

Don't get bogged down by things that's beyond your control.

Create your own sunshine.

Learn how to spot calm amid chaos and keep in mind it can always be much worse.

Before you can find something better you must how to accept what is first.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 6/4/22

Wednesday, June 1, 2022



Nothing ventured nothing gained.

The choice could bring immense fortune or excruciating pain.

You can dwell inside would or could or take caution to the wind.

Let fate be your guide and let  courage be your friend.

You stand good chance of being victorious or you could fall.

The only poor choice is making none at all.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 6/1/22

Monday, May 30, 2022

Thanks are in order


It's a wonderful feeling knowing how much you all worry about me.


I'm very flattered that you actually took the time to let me occupy a space in your head rent free.

It really warms my heart knowing that always watching everything I say and do.

Here's the funny thing though.

I can't say I could ever find the time to worry about you. 

You could vanish off the  face of the earth  tomorrow and I'd never be the wiser.

If talking bad about me brings joy in your life then knock yourself out.

I truly don't mind.

You need me to wonder to  in your limited space.

You love my style.

You admire my face.

Every insult is just quite nod.

It really symbolizes what you really want to be.

You and I both's me. ...Thanks your too kind.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™


Friday, May 27, 2022



Silence is golden and you have the ticket.

Don't waste words get right to it.

Your eyes already told me your story and you already new it.

I that glimmer.

I felt that pull.

It mutual from the start.

Twin flame.... perhaps.

More like destiny.

You don't even have to ask.

Everything is already.

 road mapped and set to motion.

You have my attention and eternal devotion.

Nothing you share with will ever leave my lips.

We are same journey just aboard different ships...for now.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 5/27/22

Thursday, May 26, 2022


Learn to love in  hard times.

Acknowledge your pain but make room pleasure.

Find beauty in chaotic scenes.

It looks bad  on the surface but it's not as bad as it seems.

Practice smiling.
Lets the sunshine in.

Flash your darkest moments a big grin. 

Find your purpose.

Rejoice in your flaws.

Think unconventionally.

Love unconditionally.

After you find true happiness you'll unravel all life's mysteries.


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hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 5/26/22

Wednesday, May 25, 2022



Sorry I'm not sorry.

I'm not sorry for falling back.

I'm not sorry for doing what I need to do to stay on track .

I'm not sorry for distancing myself 

I'm sorry for not asking for help.

I'm sorry  for  going out of my way to validate or accommodate your feelings.

I'm sorry for staying true to my own beliefs and following my own path.

I'm sorry for not including you in every decision I make.

Sorry I have no regrets about doing what I feel is best.

If your still waiting for an apology don't hold your breath.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™


Tuesday, May 24, 2022



I'm a lover of nature.

I enjoy  observing beautiful things.

I'm perfectly at peace gazing upwards at an amber sunset.

Of all the wonderful sights in the world to behold nothing quite compares to a flower.

Flowers are so delicate.

Their so simple yet complex.

They are so intricate in detail.

Even similar looking varieties are not all quite the same.

They're so fragrant.

You must be patient and  oh so gentle when handling flowers.

You  approach them slowly making sure not to bruise the stem.

Handle them with the utmost of care.

Your technique must be skillful

 and steady.

Admire the buds but never try to force them open.

They will bloom when their ready.

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hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 5/4/22

Friday, May 20, 2022

The remix


Their is nothing new under the sun.

Lighting can and does strike twice.

Last time it happened it wasn't nice.

It hurt you beyond belief but somehow you managed to survive the test.

As uncomfortable as it was it was completely nessecary.

It had happen in order to condition you for something much greater later.

Now it has resurfaced again before you.

The only difference is that this time you know exactly what to do.

Don't let pressure stress you.

Allow it to bless you.  

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hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 5/20/22


Wednesday, May 18, 2022




It's all in the approach.

It's just what you say but it's how you say it.

 Taste your words before you spit them out.

You attract my flies with honey.

Your disposition can be gloomy or sunny.

It's all in the approach.

Approach friendly.

Approach wisely 

Approach with caution.

Approach with care.

Approach warmly.

Approach confidently.

Approach from a place of enlightenment.

Approach with mild concern.

Practice how your approach others.

It will soon be your turn.

It's all in the approach.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™


Sunday, May 15, 2022



Doing the Work.

Laying the mortar.

Finding new paths to pave. 

Removing the debris.

Retiling and restructuring all obstructions.

Grinding all surfaces smooth.

This the work I choose to do.

I'm building.

I'm turning my weakness into my strengths.

I'm honing my craft.

I'm calerbraing my instruments.

I'm adhering to a new regiment.

I'm fully commiting to my discipline.

I'm building.

I'm tunneling into a new space.

I'm closing the leaky valves. 

I'm closing the gap.

I'm filling the void.

One I've finished building my new vessel it will not be destroyed. 

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Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 5/15/22

Saturday, May 14, 2022

The reprieve


It is taking place right now weather you see it not.

None of your struggles or

 sacrifices has been in vain.

All your toilng and suffering hasn't been all for not.

Your time is coming.

Your victory is near.

Do not fret.

The atmosphere is shifting.

Everything is just temporarily on pause.

It's already done.

It's on the way.

It just hasn't happened yet.

Keep working deligegntly.

Don't take anything personal.

This is war.

You may loose few Squamishes but victory shall be yours.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/14/22