Saturday, October 16, 2021

Still love?

Is what's good for the goose good for gander?

Why so glum?

What's the matter?

It was fine when you were getting your way.

Everything was roses and sunshine when you getting catered to.

Now it's not panning out and your too through.

The twinkles gone.

The shimmer has faded.

Was it ever love or was it only love  just as long as it suited you?

Do know what it truly looks like or how it truly feels?

Is your love fleeting or unconditional?

Love with everything you have or not at all.

Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™
HLH© 9/16/21



It's that ominous feeling you get right in your gut.

It stronger as the days grow longer.

Sometimes it can make you tremble.

Sometimes it make you shake.

Most of the time though, it's just what you need to make you great.

It shows up at the exact moment that you start taking time for granite.

It makes you reevaluate your vision and prepares you for things not working out in the exact you you planned it.

Recognize it.

Get aquainted with it. 

Embrace it.

Answer the door.

Your guest has arrived and they'll be staying indefinitely.

Who could this guest be?

You shouldn't have to ask.

I'll tell you anyway.

Its pressure.

Now get busy.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™

HLH© 9/18/21

Newly aquainted

Why are you so shocked?

Why's it so hard for you to believe this?

It's been happening for quite awhile...right in front of your face.

You liked me better when I weak and needy.

You liked me better when I clingy.

You like me better when I used to hang on your every word.

News flash.

I never needed your pity.

I never needed your time.

You just didn't bother to notice.

I'm not acting brand new.

I'm behaving strange.

I've always been assertive like this.

I just held back for you because your not use to change.

I'm done watering myself down.

I'm no longer concerned if come across as too much.

If that bothers you then I think you know what you should do.

I'm not slowing down ever again.

Keep in touch.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™

HLH© 10/16/21

Friday, September 17, 2021



Step outside of the box.

Color outside of the lines.

Take a chance.

Try it.

Freedom is completely organic.

Free your mind.

Unshackle your bonds.

Unlearn what you've learned.

See life through a new set eyes.

When you take some time to slow down and smell the roses you'll appreciate the sunrise.

Hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions ™




Minor setbacks set the scene for major comebacks.

I fall down seven times and stand up eight.

I don't let the roaring storm determine my fate.

I refuse to dwell on what once was.

 I only have time to focus on what is.

Regardless of the circumstances I choose to face my chances.

I embrace my struggles.

I welcome my plight.

No matter if I my choices or wrong or right.

I may buckle but I will stand and fight.

I may get battered.

I may get broken.

I may even get reduced to tears tears.

Whatever happens I will find a way to persevere.

Hallziespoetrycorner:  Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™




Let it guide you.

Let it 
 inspire you.

Let it motivate you.

Let fuel your desire.

Let it ignite your passion.

Let aide you on your path.

Never let it's spirit leave you.

Never loose sight of it.

Let it's warmth from it's glow reside deep inside you.

Whatever you do make sure to not allow it to consume you.

Hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry for all occasions ™
HLH © 9/17/21

Friday, September 10, 2021

Your art

 Keep me close to you at all times.

Feed off me.


Let me drive you. 

Let me motivate you.

Let me inspire you. 

Never loose focus of me.

Always keep me in your heart.

Never dilute me.

Always stay true to me.

I complete you.

I am your missing part.

I've sent the call out.

Be bold enough to answer it.

Will you accept the charges?

This is your art.

Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™

HLH© 9/10/21