I get blamed for everything.
I feel like I get used as a scape goat or sacrificial lamb.
It's not my fault that I'm so attractive.
I'm really plain by design.
Sometimes I can bend other times I can shine.
Some people desire me.
Some people lust after me.
Some people fight over me.
Some people even kill over me.
Some people tells lies about how much they have me.
I'm often worshiped.
Other times I'm demonized
I don't know why people beg for my attention just to turn around and give me away.
I've been known to light up a room or make it go grey.
Some people believe that I can help them do anything.
Other people believe that if their not around me they can't do anything.
I've turned courageous men into cowards.
I've turned respectable women into whores.
I've spawned augments.
I've been the cataloes for wars.
I'm nothing.
I'm no greater than you.
I can expose you to monetary things that you've never had before ,but that's about it.
You are the creator of your own fate.
I'm merely a tool.
I can't fight all your battles.
I can't make other people like you or love you.
That's totally up to you.
As I said before I'm just a tool.
I only vibrate the energy you put into me.
My life span is much shorter than yours.
Why spend all your time devoting it to me.
hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™
hlh 11/14/2019©
Welcome to hallziespoetrycorner...the#1 source of written poetry online. I post three new poems every week. These poems are passionate, soulful, heartfelt, freeing, creative, abstract, and intuitive. I also write them spontaneously. I never premeditate the content I write about. My poems will resonate with you even if you are not into poetry. Visit my link every week, make sure you comment, like,and share my poems on your favorite platform It's poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™️
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Sunday, February 24, 2019
You want to look fly.
You want to look fresh.
You want the world to know you love to dress in excess.
You want to stay dipped in designer.
You want be the best you that you can afford.
(or even if you can't afford it)
Name brands only.
You don't feel like a king/ queen if all of your labels don't match and say the exact same thing.
You want to color c-oooooordinate.
You want to match all the way down to the socks.
You want to hear those brand new bags crumpling.
You want to hear the sound the tags make when they pop.
It's your money.
It's your time.
You can spend both of them any way you wish.
I just want to know a few things.
How far will you go to obtain it?
How many family functions will miss out on to peruse those brands?
How many entire evenings will you stay up clocking?
How strange will you act for some change?
Where do you draw the line?
Can you look at yourself in the mirror after you cash out?
Are your designer labels the only thing you want your cash to be about?
Do feel good about yourself even if your not freshly pressed?
Will everyone in your circle still be there for you if didn't stay fresh to death?
Would they still respect you if you didn't wear designer?
Do you do it for you or are you trying to impress?
It's your money.
It's your time.
You can spend both of them any way that you wish.
I just wanted to know how far you would go.
How much integrity are you willing to sacrifice j in order to look high priced.
If those labels bring you that much joy then please by all means do you.
I just hope that those labels don't define you.
Hallzies Poetry corner: poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.tm
©HLH 2/24/19
You want to look fresh.
You want the world to know you love to dress in excess.
You want to stay dipped in designer.
You want be the best you that you can afford.
(or even if you can't afford it)
Name brands only.
You don't feel like a king/ queen if all of your labels don't match and say the exact same thing.
You want to color c-oooooordinate.
You want to match all the way down to the socks.
You want to hear those brand new bags crumpling.
You want to hear the sound the tags make when they pop.
It's your money.
It's your time.
You can spend both of them any way you wish.
I just want to know a few things.
How far will you go to obtain it?
How many family functions will miss out on to peruse those brands?
How many entire evenings will you stay up clocking?
How strange will you act for some change?
Where do you draw the line?
Can you look at yourself in the mirror after you cash out?
Are your designer labels the only thing you want your cash to be about?
Do feel good about yourself even if your not freshly pressed?
Will everyone in your circle still be there for you if didn't stay fresh to death?
Would they still respect you if you didn't wear designer?
Do you do it for you or are you trying to impress?
It's your money.
It's your time.
You can spend both of them any way that you wish.
I just wanted to know how far you would go.
How much integrity are you willing to sacrifice j in order to look high priced.
If those labels bring you that much joy then please by all means do you.
I just hope that those labels don't define you.
Hallzies Poetry corner: poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.tm
©HLH 2/24/19
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