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Showing posts with label DM me @: Show all posts

Friday, August 27, 2021

Dry hate

Their only reason for existing is to take the wind out of your sails.

They take delight in your discomfort.

They love seeing you fail.

They know exactly what your capable of and don't like it.

They  smile and praise you to your face.

Then plot treason behind your back.

If your plans ever got briefly derailed it's because they sabotaged the track.

Their laughs conceal lies.

Their well wishes are hollow.

Their handshakes say friend.

Their contempt says I hope something bad happens to you tomorrow.

They constantly betray with out an ounce of sorrow.

Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™

HLH© 8/27/21

Thursday, August 19, 2021


You pray and pray until your knees become chapped.

You give and you give until you collapse.

You train and train until your muscles ache.

You read and study until your head throbs.

You shop and spend money erratically.

You need big houses, fancy cars and the best of anything money can buy.

You eat until your beyond full.

You bounce from one meaningless fling to another.

You don't show your affection you crowd and smother.

You curiosity is never safatisfied.

Your not content with anything.

Nothing you do is never enough.

Your like a balloon with a hole in it.

You'll never be filled completely up.

You keep trying to fill your empty space.

You keep missing the piece of yourself staring you right in your face.

hallziespoerycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™
HLH © 8/19/21