Saturday, July 13, 2019

escape hatch

They say that when one whom seeks peace they must learn how to quiet their mind.

For me that works...some of the time.

For the other times that it doesn't I need music to do it for me.

I do have a favorite genre but my playlist is eclectic to say the least.

Sometimes I need some tunes to help me find some peace.

It could be some old school R&B or mellow jazz.

I'll listen to anything from hip-hop to bebop.

As long as it has the right beat.
 As long as the chorus moves me.

As long as the percussion soothes me.

As long as it can speak to my soul or spark up a nostalgic memory that has been laying dormant and waiting to escape.

I'll zone out and just let the music speak to me.

I'll tap my toes and get in-tune with the vibe.

I'll let the melody intrigue me until I feel revived.

After I've listened to my song I feel more alive.

music  removes mental blocks.

Music can lift you out of a rut .

Music can loosen  you up.

I a perfect world I would spend more time in my headsets and less time in mess.

Music is life.
Music is relief.
Music is report.
Music is all encompassing and it is embedded in us all.

We all have our favorite kinds of music.

You can admire or loath  person's.
Music can be your prison or it can be your escape.

hallziespoetrycorner: poetry with a passion. poetry for all occasions™



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