Monday, February 24, 2014

Momma Rose

Moma Rose.

Momma rose  was always there.

Momma Rose even let her enemies know that she cared

Momma Rose.

You never knew what was coming out of that bag.

  She always had the perfect gift for just the right person.

Momma Rose, was the pinochle of feminism even while cursing.

Momma Rose always brought out the best in those that could not see it in there self.

Momma Rose was quick to let you know what she thought even if you did not ask.

Momma Rose so too strong.

Momma Rose would tell you off and put you in your place

Momma Rose always nurtured and protected those she felt was her own.

 Momma Rose couldn't be tamed.

Momma Rose was the board that would not break.

Momma Rose was the flower that would not wilt.

Momma Rose was forever  boisterous.

Momma Rose was always got the last word not matter what.

Momma Rose loved every last one of us.

Rip Momma Rose "tiger red" Allen.

The poetry corner: all occasions poetry. Poetry with a passion

copyright 2/23/13 HLH

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