Friday, February 7, 2020

cutting the strings

I won't let you get the best of me.

I call your bluff.

Your all talk.

Take your best shot.

I refuse to give into you.

I won't let you knock me off my square.

You won't rattle my game.

I'm cool as cucumber.

You can't touch me in my domain.

I won't let you control me.

I'll keep the key.

I've dwelled inside of you for far too long.

I'll set my own self free.

hallziespoetryconer: Poetry with a passion Poetry for all occasions.™
HLH© 2/7/2020

Stand firm

Staring into the abys while being  unphased by its ominous depths.

It once frightened me now it intrigues me.

I was wondering if I could power through it.

I'm curious to see if I can overcome it.

I want to face it head on.

I want build myself up so that I can rise above it.

I don't have any strategy planned.

I don't have my angle of attack figured out.

I haven't plotted my course.

I don't know whether I should plunge right in or take my time.

I don't know if I should calculate it down to the last detail or move on instinct without thinking anything of it.

I know one thing for certain.

I will not run from it.

hallziespoetycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions™


Friday, January 31, 2020

No easy answeres

Sometimes answers aren't easy.

Some things can't be explained with science.

Somethings can't be explained with logic.

In some situations you'll never be able see God's hand in.

Sometimes their  just is no answer for anything at all.

No matter how agonizing the problem is.

No matter how hurtful it is to take.

One thing you can never do... is to loose faith.

Life happens.

All things have a beginning and an end.

Time "never" stops.

So while your still here.


Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions. ™
HLH 1/31/2020©


Never ever loose sight of it.

No one can do it like you can.

Your gift is needed.

Even if no one ever tells you so believe it.

No matter how hard it gets never stop practicing.

Never stop polishing your craft.

You may feel your not very good.

I think you'll end up surprising yourself.

Just wait.

You have all the potential you need.

You are great.

Hallziespoetry corner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™
HLH 1/31/2020 ©

When your ready.

I try to comfort you in your times of need and you push me away.

I shower you with love and you lash out with anger.

We were once so close.
Now feel like a very distant stranger.

I'm a shoulder to lean on.

Your ear of comfort.

Your anchor in your storm.

I have no clue what your going through and why you choose to face it alone.

I'll respect your mind.

I'll give you your space.

I'll stay with you in spirit.

Get better.

Stand strong.

Walk tall.

When ever you need me.

Do not hesitate to call.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions™
HLH 1/31/2020 ©

Friday, January 24, 2020

let us pray

Learn how to tell the difference between people that pray for you and people that prey on you.

Watch the way they walk.

Listen to the to how they talk.

You'll know.

You'll know who truly want to see you do well.

You'll be able to discern  who wants you to excel.

Pay attention to the signs.

Listen to your first mind.

Take a step back and breathe.

The answer won't be hard to find.

Now after you spot them let them know you know who they are and your okay with them being who they are.

After that distance yourself and pray for them.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasion™
HLH 1/24/2020©


An unconscious mind is devoid of imagination.

You remove all its inhibitions.

All its limitations.

Get rid of the should.

Toss out the cant's

86  the supposed to's.

Dial back on the logic.

Cut back on the reasoning.

Load up on possibility.

Take a double helping of ingenuity.

Don't stifle it.

Let it roam free.

After you've removed all the blockages let what is is and let what may be be. 

Then take deep breath and bask in your creativity

HallziesPoetryCorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions™
HLH© 1/24/2020