Tuesday, July 16, 2019

human quandary

What's the common tie that binds us?

What is  it that common thing that we are all in seek of?

Why do we  spend what seems like an eternity seeking a solution.

Demanding retribution.

Settling for our current situation.

Making huge plans for our next destination.

How can we have all the same vital organs and the exact amount of limbs but treat each other differently based of the color of skin.

Why do we desire to unlock secrets that should remain forever shrouded.

Are we not all beings or are just light focused through a different lens.

hallziespoetrycorner:poetry with a passion. poetry for all occasions.™

hlh 7/16/19 ©

Saturday, July 13, 2019

escape hatch

They say that when one whom seeks peace they must learn how to quiet their mind.

For me that works...some of the time.

For the other times that it doesn't I need music to do it for me.

I do have a favorite genre but my playlist is eclectic to say the least.

Sometimes I need some tunes to help me find some peace.

It could be some old school R&B or mellow jazz.

I'll listen to anything from hip-hop to bebop.

As long as it has the right beat.
 As long as the chorus moves me.

As long as the percussion soothes me.

As long as it can speak to my soul or spark up a nostalgic memory that has been laying dormant and waiting to escape.

I'll zone out and just let the music speak to me.

I'll tap my toes and get in-tune with the vibe.

I'll let the melody intrigue me until I feel revived.

After I've listened to my song I feel more alive.

music  removes mental blocks.

Music can lift you out of a rut .

Music can loosen  you up.

I a perfect world I would spend more time in my headsets and less time in mess.

Music is life.
Music is relief.
Music is report.
Music is all encompassing and it is embedded in us all.

We all have our favorite kinds of music.

You can admire or loath  person's.
Music can be your prison or it can be your escape.

hallziespoetrycorner: poetry with a passion. poetry for all occasions™



Monday, July 1, 2019

note to self

Sometimes it's ok not to be ok.

Sometimes it's alright not to have all the answers.

Sometimes it's alright to show your vulnerable  side.

Starting from square one doesn't make you  a failure.

Everyone has insecurities.

We all experience loss.

We all deal with an invisible pain.
Some suffer in silence.

Some  try to redistribute the hurt by lashing out while others will cover it up with a smile.

Its ok not be ok.

When your not ok just acknowledge it to yourself

You can choose what you wish to show other but you can not deceive yourself.

Don't cheat yourself.

Treat yourself.

Because at the end of the day all you truly have is yourself.

Hallziespoetrycorner: poetry with a passion™


Nature walk

Sometimes I just want to be alone and observe nature and ponder its vast mysteries.

If the wind could speak I wonder what types of things it would have to say?

Would it whisper insightful nuggets of knowledge or would it bellow out in a hate filled rage.

I wonder.

If water is the source for all life then what would it drink when it's  thirst needs to quenched.

Why does the feel of grainy sand squishing in-between your toes feel so good.

I wonder

Why do sunsets appear so  lovely while moonless sky can seem so desolate.

I wonder.

Is me or doesn't seem like the insects are harmonizing a tune a tune when the sunsets.

I wonder

Peaks and valleys.

Mountains and streams

shimmering dew drops in kissed by the morning light.

What comes first....lighting or thunder

I wonder.

hallziespoetry corner: poetry with a passion. poetry for all occasions™
hlh© 7/1/19

Friday, June 21, 2019

Heartfelt questions

What would you tell someone suffering?

What would be your first word?

Would you tell them to hang in there or tell them to suck it up followed by a curse word?

How would you engage a person with a broken soul and a weary spirit?

What would you do when you can feel the hurt before you can see it?

They need answers.

What do you say?

Is it alright not to know?

Sometimes you can say a lot without speaking.

Acknowledgement is a shared gesture.

Empathy is the perfect remedy to heal an open wound fast.

Understating is the reassurance to the ailing.

It lest them know that the pain won't last.

hallziespoetrycorner: poetry with a passion poetry for all occasions

hlh 6/21/19 ©


Thursday, May 23, 2019

They can't stop you.

Who are they?

What do they know?

Do they pay your bills?

Do they fuel your fire?

Do they support you?

Why do they upset you?

Do they know your struggle?

Do they know your plight?

Are they cut like you?

Can they handle your fight?

Do you a favor and don't listen to they.

They are miserable.

They are afraid of you.

They are intimidated by you.

Secretly they want to be just like you.

They would love to be in your company.

They actually want to be friends with you but they don't think you would like they.

Do you.

Keep running your race.

Keeping improving on you.

Don't waste time clapping back at they because they are lost and have no clue.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

Black woman I want you know

Sistah will you please be kind enough to lend me your ear for few moments.

I need to get a few things off my chest.

First off  I would like to extend an apology to you for this mess I help create by staying silent for so long allowing the blatant disrespect of you.

At times I've been one doing the disrespecting to you.

Please forgive me queen.

I wasn't thinking clearly and neither was my brethren.

We failed you.

I want to let you know just how special you are.

Your not told by the world nearly enough.

You are flawless beauty magnified by factor of infinity .

Nothing on earth compares to it.

Your mind holds the secretes of the cosmos and only you hold the key to unlocking it.

Your soul is brighter than a trillion solar flares.

Your strength is astounding to say the least.

You endure unfathomable pain.

Yet you still have the stamina stand firm and fight
and accomplish remarkable feats.

You birth young gods and goddesses.

You have a natural mystic about you that everyone is drawn to and seeks out.

You have the power to transform the meek into the mighty and humble giants.

Black woman I want you to know you are bold.
Your beauty is timeless.

Your quick wit is often duplicated and rarely appreciated.

You are sultry with just the right amount of sass.

Black woman .
This world is nothing without you please believe it.
You should be cherished at all times.

You are worthy.

You are more than enough.

Above all you are needed.

hallziespoetry corner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™