Monday, April 8, 2013

Second Sight.

I’m reflecting in the pools of my soul.

Gauging the depth of my breath.

Testing the temperature before I make that plunge.

I’m observing and soaking knowledge like a sponge.

What is now shrouded in the cloak of darkness will soon be reviled with the presence of light.

The truth is calling out to me in the middle of the night.

My enemies and deterrents are great. Yet my worry is scant.

I’m slaying sorrow and doing away with can’t.

Standing fast and poised.

Filtering out distraction and destroying noise.

Taking up arms and putting away my toys.

My vision is razor sharp and cuts like a knife.

Now living my truth while evading life’s plight.

I’m polished now and never will be taken.

My intensity was muted. My thoughts clouded and polluted.

I’m polished now. Aware and never again will be taken.

I was a sleeping giant. Now I have been
Hallzies poetry corner: Poetry for all occasions. Poetry with a passion tm copyright 4/8/13 HLH

Monday, March 4, 2013

Fresh take

I’m taking it all in.

Seeing old sites through fresh eyes.

I have a new foot hold on an old trail.

A fresh invigorating breeze going through my old worn sail.

My heart is softening.

The brittle malice is crumbling.

Confusion now stands fast and my soul has now ceased wandering.

I’ve felt glory but knew not of victory.

Peace was rumor.

And joy a mystery.

Pain is now a memory.

Suffering has no definition.

Torment now deserves no mention.

Serenity and calm deafen scorn.

I’m clean.

I’m whole.

I’m revamped with a new glee.

I am new version of an old me.

Hallzies poetry corner. Poetry for all occasions. Poetry with a passion copyright 3/4/13 HLH

Monday, October 1, 2012

Congadulations litte sister.

Little sister we’ve been inseparable from day one. Like two peas in a pod.

I was there when mommy bought you home and you drew your first couple of breaths.

I was right by your side when you took your first couple of steps.

Me and you all the way.

The troublesome two. Together through the brightest of bright and the darkest of blue.

I’ve been there looking after you and trying to see you through.

I’ve watched you grow from a child, to a young lady, to a full fledged mother right before my eyes.

I’ve watched you fall and rise time and time again. Never giving up. Never giving in.

We’ve weathered countless storms together, many battles, many journeys traveled. Just you and me.

But today on your special day I have to let you walk this one out alone. Uninhibited and free.
As you stand here today before god, family, and friends closing the book on one chapter ending awaiting the new one to begin.

I just want you to know whatever happens in the middle I’ll still be here at the end.

Congratulations little sister.

Hallzies poetry corner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions. copyright 10/11/12 HLH


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Looking at you.

I’m looking at you.

No! Dead at you.

More things than your shapely dimensions have my attention.

I see past your thighs and straight into your eyes.

I’m noticing the reflection of your inner self shimmering off your soul.

Your voice is enchanting. The very fiber of your being is built for romancing.

Your poise. your grace. Everything about you is nothing short of good taste.

Share with me what’s on your mind.

I want to know what thoughts you have about anything.

You've cast your spell.

I’m intrigued. Please tell.

What unlocks your deepest desire? What ignites your fire?

Who are you? Tell me everything from start to finish.

I won’t interrupt. Speak until you are finished.

Fill my cup with your essence so that I may bask in your splendor.

I’ve fought this battle long enough. I completely surrender.

The day like my heart belongs to you. I’m in total aww.

And yes. I’m still looking at you.

Hallzies poetry corner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all copyright 9/26/12

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Next

I have but one goal.

I have but one soul.

Life is rapid and burdensome.

Failure always seems to take its toll.

I refuse to give in. and let my spirit dwindle or diminish.

My drive is everlasting and my faith strong to the finish.

As long as draw a breath victory will remain in my grasp.

Surely as flesh is to bone. / Surely as earth is to ash.

I’m unworried about defeat/ I reject pain.

My warriors’ heart echo’s like the thunder before the rain.

My life.

My time.

My struggle.

My sacrifice.

My grind.

My choice is success.

My mind is focused

Forever vigilant.

No fear. No stress.

The struggle will always continue/ so forward I shall continue to press.

No fear of the unknown.

Just always in seek of the next.

Hallzie's poetry corner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all copyright 9/11/12 HLH

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

the block

Sirens. broken glass

The block.

Dashed dreams.

Endless Struggle for cash.

The block

Tainted visions.

Corrupted souls.

The block

Temporary gain

Quick loss

The block

Stress and tears.

Worry and fears.

The block

Strength in numbers

Betrayal; by peers

The block

Easy portal in blocked passage out

The block

The block

A path so easy to take yet so hard to shake.

No one ever wins on either side.

Sink or swim

Soar or glide.

The block.

Hallzie poetry corner: poetry with a passion. Poems for all copyright 8/28/12

Friday, July 20, 2012


That light. That illuminating glow

That voice that I hear within

All lone but never by myself

Difficult the task yet I always know I have help

The answer to a problem that I need solved

the calm in the eye of the storm.

Then very reason when I’m most cold I suddenly feel warm.

My strength.

My rock.

My anchor

My tithe

My peace

My serenity

My stride.

My virtue

My lord.

My pride.

The hills may rumble

The valley’s may quake

With your divine mercy

I’ll never be without faith.

Hallzies poetry corner:poetry with a passion
Poetry for all copyright 7/20/12