Showing posts with label true artist unite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label true artist unite. Show all posts

Thursday, January 2, 2020

For the culture?

Do it for the culture?

What do people really mean when they say that?


Don't do it for the culture.

Do it because you give a damn.

Do it because you love it.

Do it because that's how you like to express yourself.

Do because your passionate about it.

Do it because you like the way it challenges you.

Do it because it defines you.

Do it because it's a part of you.

Do it because you can't picture your life without it.

Do it because it's an extension of you.

Do it because you want to master your craft.

Do it because it means something to you.

Above all.

Do it because you truly want to.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a Passion. Poetry for all occasions™
HLH© 1/2/2020