Showing posts with label statergy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label statergy. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Emotional chess

There is alot of information to proces and digest.

A whole lot is going on right now.

Through all this one I must remain strong.

Think strategically before you react.

One mustn't fall for ploys.

One mustn't fall for traps.

Don't get baited into arguing with a fool.

Take ten breaths.

Try not loose your cool.

Put your yourself in a good situation.

Plot ten moves ahead.

Think about how sad your family will be if you were to die from moving irrationally.

Don't allow yourself to become a casualty from situation that could have been avoided.

Don't let your rage comsume you.

Do not allow your emotions to run the show.

The stakes are high.

This game is rigged.

It was set up from the get up.

Despite these seemingly impossible odds it is still possible to win this day.

You'll never be beaten if you make the choice not to play.

It's easier than it sounds.

It is a simple thing to do.

Control your emotions or your emotions will control you.

hallziespoetrycorner:  Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.  ™

HLH 7/14/20  ©