Don't get too comfortable.
Don't become too relaxed.
Theirs still so much to do.
We have united as one with a common goal in mind but the game still hasn't been won.
Theirs still much work to do.
We're nowhere close to being done.
We have to keep fighting.
We have to keep pressing on no matter how impossible the odds may seem.
No one signed up for any of this suffering but now it is all our responsibility's to set things right once and for all.
We are all leaders in our right.
We all have high stakes in this fight.
We've made tremendous progress so far.
We even managed to make a global impact.
We're on the precipice of victory.
We can't turn back.
We can't let anything distract us.
We can't let up.
The road has been long.
We're all weary.
We've all had quite enough.
There will never be justice for "all" until there is justice for us.
There has been a changing of the guard but not a change in the cause.
We must keep pressing forward until there is finally equality for all.
Hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions ™️
HLH 11/19/20©️