Tuesday, June 2, 2020

We're tired!

When you love someone you tell them the truth.

You tell them the truth no matter how bad it hurts.

You tell them truth because if you don't the situation will only get worse.

America I love you but here's  the deal.

I have to let you know exactly how my people feel.

My people are tired.


This isn't "just" about  justice for brother Ahmaud  and brother George.

This is about decades of neglect and having "our" problems ignored.

We're tired.

We're tired of getting followed around the store.

We're tired of being over worked and under paid.

We're tired of being your  medical lab rats that you  conduct experiments on and run around "your" social maze.

We're tired of being told to turn down "our" music.

We're  tired of being told how to dress.

We're tired of having to settle for second best.

We're tired  of being told that slavery, jim crow, regonomics, and  the bushes all happend in the past and to just get over it.

We're  tired of having to console our children after you tell them their not good enough by calling them "that" name.[ n@g#!er]

We're  tired of the narrative always being spinned, as if it's our "own" fault for being declared dead on breaking news at 10.

We're tired of  mass incarceration and you passing new laws specifically targeted at "us" just so you can fill your jails.

We're  tired of being told if you hate it here so much then go back.

We're tired of hearing how your immigrant ancestors didn't speak a word of english but found a way to make the American dream work for them.

We're  tired of  having to give our young males a tutorial on how to survive a routine traffic stop when they come of age.

We're tired  of "your" women clutching their purses and covering their cleavage when our males ride the elevator with them.

We're tired of your system splitting up our homes.

We're  tired of red lining.

We're  tired of chem trails.

We're  tired of the judicial branch moving like snails. ( when it comes to delivering  justice  for  us)

We tired of the fashion industry telling our women thier features  are not pretty enough.

We're tired of your news painting a picture of "our"people in a negative light.

We're tired of having to be athletic, having to perform for you, or entertain you "just" to make you treat us right.

We're  tired of Becky and Karen  falsely calling the executioners on us and not getting cited of fined for doing so.

We're  tired!

We're tired!

We're  tired!


America we didn't mean to hurt your feelings but I had to let you know.

Now kindly remove your knee from our necks.

Get your feet off our backs.

Remove your vice grips off our wallets.

Kindly stop pumping your poisons into our bodies and minds

One last thing you'll  listen if you trully care. 

 Pull your nose out of our affairs.

We love but Lord knows we're  tired of you.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™

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