Thursday, October 10, 2019

Respect your elders.

Respect your elders.

Those eyes have seen much.

Those hands have touched much.

That grey symbolizes wisdom. 

They ache because they had to fight many battles.

Their not out of touch with times.

It's all rerun to them.

They may  not be tech savvy .

They may not be up  to speed on the latest trends.

They may  move at slower pace.

One thing for certain about them is that  you can learn a lot from them simply by looking at their face.

Honor them.

Take your time to show them you care.

Go out of  your way to make their day.

And remember You'll be their age one day.

Hallzies poetry corner: Poety with a passion. Poetry for all occasions. ™
HLH© 10/10/2019

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Be that somone.

We all have a role to play in making someone's day.

Its true.

You might not think you have a lot to offer but someone's looking up to you.

Someone is admiring you from afar.

They are admiring your strength.

They like your outlook on life.

They love how you think.

Some might mask it with insults.

Some might even throw the occasional shade your way.
You shouldn't pay those type of people any mind.

That's all a façade.

You make their day.

You give them something to talk about.

That's why they constantly seek your attention out.

They want to know what your doing and what your thinking at all times.

They just don't know a positive way to express it in a positive way.

Believe it or not. you actually make their day.

Somebody is hoping you smile at them or say hello.

Just seeing your face every day helps them more than you know.

Just know you are important.

You mean something to someone.

You are someone's  guiding star.

You are someone's rising sun.

Keep loving your yourself.

Keep on being true to you.

Keep living your own truth.

While your living your best life
also remember to stay humble.

Make plenty of  time to be kind.

Even if you feel like you don't have  anyone

be someone's someone.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™
HLH© 10/3/19



You for the win

Say it like you mean it.

Live it like you love it.

Breathe it like you need it.

It's your time.

Every day is your day.

You may not have everything you want but you have more than you need to get your goals accomplished.

Be brave.

Be bold.

Stay on course.

Celebrate wins.

Celebrate losses too.

Always remember why your doing it.

This is your stage.

Its all on you.

Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™
HLH 10/03/19©

Thursday, September 26, 2019

This life

In this life nothing is certain.

In this life things can change an instant.

In this life all roads do not lead to Rome.

In this life  houses do not make homes.

In this life time is precious.

In this life days are promised.

In this life there is only one constant factor that evolves but does not change.(self)

In this life you must love yourself.

In this life you must nurture yourself.

In this life you must liberate yourself.

In this life you must find yourself.

You only have one life.

Make your best life in this life.

Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasins.™
HLH 9/26/2019©

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Never force it.

Let it come to you.

Embrace it.

Let take it take you.

Let move you.

Let it soak and trickle down into  your spirit.

Don't over process it.

Just move on it.

Just act on it.

Let it be an extension of you.

Wield it confidently  when the moment comes to you.

Don't think.

Just be.

In that moment.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.  Poetry for all occasions.™
HLH 9/19/2019©

Just think

How much time do you have in a day?

How much time can you devote to finding your way?

Slow down.

Take your time.

You already have the answer that your trying to find.

Just think.

Just imagine all the things you want to do.

Keep that fire brining inside of you.

Remember what your doing it for.

If you can picture it inside your head it will be yours.

Just think.



Take action.

But just.



hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions™
HLH 9/19/2019©

Its not just you.

Somewhere in the world there is a battle going on that you do not even see.

Somewhere cries are pouring out that you do not even hear.

Their is pain hidden beneath a smile you might see every day.

Everybody is fighting a secrete battle.

Everybody is suffering in a small way.

Everybody is struggling to find an once of peace to make it through the day.

Its okay to feel overwhelmed.
Its okay to feel lost.
 It's okay to feel blue.
Never feel like your "the" only one.

Never feel like  "it's" just you.

hallziespoetrycorner: poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™
HLH 9/19/2019©