Friday, June 21, 2019

Heartfelt questions

What would you tell someone suffering?

What would be your first word?

Would you tell them to hang in there or tell them to suck it up followed by a curse word?

How would you engage a person with a broken soul and a weary spirit?

What would you do when you can feel the hurt before you can see it?

They need answers.

What do you say?

Is it alright not to know?

Sometimes you can say a lot without speaking.

Acknowledgement is a shared gesture.

Empathy is the perfect remedy to heal an open wound fast.

Understating is the reassurance to the ailing.

It lest them know that the pain won't last.

hallziespoetrycorner: poetry with a passion poetry for all occasions

hlh 6/21/19 ©


Thursday, May 23, 2019

They can't stop you.

Who are they?

What do they know?

Do they pay your bills?

Do they fuel your fire?

Do they support you?

Why do they upset you?

Do they know your struggle?

Do they know your plight?

Are they cut like you?

Can they handle your fight?

Do you a favor and don't listen to they.

They are miserable.

They are afraid of you.

They are intimidated by you.

Secretly they want to be just like you.

They would love to be in your company.

They actually want to be friends with you but they don't think you would like they.

Do you.

Keep running your race.

Keeping improving on you.

Don't waste time clapping back at they because they are lost and have no clue.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

Black woman I want you know

Sistah will you please be kind enough to lend me your ear for few moments.

I need to get a few things off my chest.

First off  I would like to extend an apology to you for this mess I help create by staying silent for so long allowing the blatant disrespect of you.

At times I've been one doing the disrespecting to you.

Please forgive me queen.

I wasn't thinking clearly and neither was my brethren.

We failed you.

I want to let you know just how special you are.

Your not told by the world nearly enough.

You are flawless beauty magnified by factor of infinity .

Nothing on earth compares to it.

Your mind holds the secretes of the cosmos and only you hold the key to unlocking it.

Your soul is brighter than a trillion solar flares.

Your strength is astounding to say the least.

You endure unfathomable pain.

Yet you still have the stamina stand firm and fight
and accomplish remarkable feats.

You birth young gods and goddesses.

You have a natural mystic about you that everyone is drawn to and seeks out.

You have the power to transform the meek into the mighty and humble giants.

Black woman I want you to know you are bold.
Your beauty is timeless.

Your quick wit is often duplicated and rarely appreciated.

You are sultry with just the right amount of sass.

Black woman .
This world is nothing without you please believe it.
You should be cherished at all times.

You are worthy.

You are more than enough.

Above all you are needed.

hallziespoetry corner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™



Let's talk about it

It seems like you have a lot on your mind.

Judging by your tone I think you have something to you want to say to me.

I can tell its eating away at you.

Speak your peace.

Free yourself.

I promise you won't hurt me.

I think too highly of myself.

Say what you say.

You got the floor.

Spit it out.

I'm all ears.

My attention is yours.

I won't interrupt.

I'll wait my turn.

I'll let you get it all out.

Just do me one favor though.

Before you unpack what you have to say about me to me...make sure its really necessary.

Above all make sure your assessment's true.

Then take inventory of how thick your skin is because even though I won't waste my time rebutting.

Someone will eventually want to pull you off to the side and tell you what they think about you.

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions™
©hlh 5/23/19

Monday, May 6, 2019


I envy the wind.
Sometimes I wish I could move just like the wind.
Be every where at once yet nowhere at all.
Seeking nothing yet finding everything.
Making sounds but not noise.
Inconspicuous yet omnipotent.
It can come as a gentle breeze or a strong gust.
I guess that's what people mean when they say look what the wind blew in.
Some would say free spirits blow in the direction that the wind takes them.
I blow you in the right direction or take you on detour(depending on who you ask)
Yeah I would like to be just like the wind.
Rustling in the grass.
Whispering through trees.
Complex but not complicated.
now that I think about it.
That is me.
On my path.
Flowing with life.
a mellow breeze.

Hallziespoetrycorner:poetry with a passion.
Poetry for all occasions™

Find your peace.

Find your peace.
Find your peace.
It's necessary to find you before you loose you.
Get into your space.
Meditate on your quite place.
Visualize your sanctuary .
Feel the stillness.
Create your calm.
Concentrate on nothing.
Find your peace.
No alerts.
No ringing.
No vibrating.
Find your place.
Close your eyes.
Find your peace.
Feel the warmth.
In this  going battle we have with chaos we have to remain centered and reflect.
Let the tension ease.
The answers will come.
The confusion will cease.
Seek understand.
Learn to listen to yourself.

Find your peace.

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Your needed.

You might not realize it but somebody is depending on you.

You play a bigger role in life than you think.

They wake up daily just to notice you.

You give their life depth.

They admire your strength.

Your charisma motivates them.

They admire your dedication.

They praise your convection.

So the next time your feeling that you have no purpose in life or that your life is insignificant

Just remember your always being watched.

Your deeds or not going unseen.

Somebody notices you.

You are their vision of self esteem.

The power is lying deep within you.

You must believe it.

The world requires your unique  gifts.

You are needed.

hallzies poetry corner: poetry with a passion
poetry for all occasions™.