Tuesday, April 12, 2022



I'm over it.

I'm done with it.

I have no further use for it.

You can have it.

I'm tired of the back and forth.

I don't want to debate.

I know what I know.

You believe what you believe.

I'm into arguing just for the for arguments sake. 

If being right means so much to you then you can have it.

I'm done.

I refuse to play by those rules.

Wise ones don't argue with fools.

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The#1 source of poetry online.

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/12/22

Monday, April 11, 2022

Trade off


You cake and eat it too.

What you are you willing to do without? 

How far do want to push it?

Are so comfortable in your comfort zone that you don't want leave? 

Maybe your just afraid.

Maybe  you just don't believe that you can soar to new heights. 

Aren't you curious to see what's on the other side?

Let the dice go.

Pay whatever price.

Heaven is awaiting for you to take a slice.

Don't let hesitation mount.

Don't get discouraged about the possibility of a fail.

Don't live the rest of eternity in a what if hell.

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The #1 source of poetry online.

Message me directly@ passionwebmail@poeticpassion.host

hallziespoetrycorner:Poetry with a passion.

Poetry for all occasions.™

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Believe them


Actions speak louder than words.

Take head.

A person's action will  answer every question you need.

They never disguised their true intent .

You chose to see what you wanted to see.

They didn't mesh words.

You heard what you wanted to hear.

Their was no trickery involved.

They didn't paint themselves out to something special.

They showed what it was a long time ago.

No one should have to spell it out for you.

You should already just know.

Don't lay food out for a 

wolf and expect not to get bitten.

I was all laid out.

It was already written.

They lead you on.

It shouldn't be a shock.

They shouldn't have to leave you a clue.

You knew of their true nature.

You trifled with venom and the scorpion stung you.



Message me directly @ passionwebmail@poeticpassion.host

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™

HLH© 4/9/22

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

In the flesh


Oh what a feeling.

That surge.

 That rush. 

That senation.

It massages your senses in oh so satisfying ways.

You  want to experience it all the time 

Your intranced by its alluring caress 

You can't ignore it.

You can't escape it.

You need it.

You love it.

You crave it 

Don't deny it


You want that instant gratification.

You've tasted it's sweet nectar and now theirs no turning back for you.

Satisfaction has become an absolute must.

You are now officially ensnared in the clutches of lust.

You lust for power.

You lust after status.

You lust for success and riches untold.

You lust for acceptance.

You lust for attention.

You lust after the perfect image of  what you believe the perfect family is 

You lust after the the love of your life.

You will do anything to obtain no matter the price.

Lust is now rooted deep within and resides inside of your higher self.

You know it's wrong but it feel so right.

You've cast virture to the side and now you are perfectly content with letting lust run your life.

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The #1 source of poetry online.

 Message me directly @ passionwebmail@poeticpassion.host

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™



Tuesday, April 5, 2022



Promises promises promises.

You say one thing and then do another.

You say want to change but your actions show otherwise.

You keep running with the same crowd and speaking the same speak.

You said you would start ASAP but it's already been a week.

If it's not this it's that.

You have more excuses than the allows.

You blamed everybody you could possibly blame.

Who's left now?

I understand hard times.

I understand setbacks.

I understand loss.

I understand short comings.

You  check none of those boxes.

All your doing is running.

If want things to turn around you need to stop.

Make plan.

Stick to it.

Follow through and stay true.

As soon as you do that you'll rise to the top.

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Message me directly @ passionwebmail@poeticpassion.host

The #1 source of poetry online

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™
HLH© 4/5/22

Sunday, April 3, 2022



Say it your chest.

Affirm it with your mouth.

Walk big.

Stand proud.

Be courageous.

Don't settle.

Don't buckle. 

Double down.

Talk your talk.

Go hard or go home.

Cease this opportunity.

Claim your throne.

Embed your mark.

Keep your poker face ice cold 

Deliver your message in any style you need to just be bold.

Comment on this poem. 

Message me directly@ passionwebmail@poeticpassion.host

The#1 source of poetry online

hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion.Poetry for all occasions.™

HLH© 4/3/22


Saturday, April 2, 2022

Keep it


Check please.

I don't like what's on the menu.

You have conformity.

I'll pass on validation.

I'm big on empty promiese or and fake concern.

You can keep your fake apology.

Toss it in the bin with forced conversations.

I'm not too big on crowds.

You dropped your people pleasing. I know it doesn't belong to me.

I think that's everything.

Lets review my order.

That'll be a large peace and a side of drama free.

To drink,  I think I'll have a large M-E.

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Hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions ™

HLH© 4/2/22